10-27 Larynx Flashcards
A: Larynx extends from ____ vertebrae to ___ vertebrae and comprises of [__single Cartilage + ___PAIRED Cartilages + __Joints]
B: Describe this composition
º3 single = (Thyroid cartilage / Cricoid cartilage / Epiglottis)
º3 PAIRED= (Corniculate / Cuneiform / Arytenoid)
º2 Synovial Joints= (Cricothyroid Joint / Cricoarytenoid Joint)
Thyroid Cartilage (_____ _____) [4]
Thyroid Cartilage (OPEN BOOK)
- 2 Lamina fused ANT —>forms ADAM’S APPLE
- Each lamina gives SUP and inf. horn POSTERIORLY
- POST border receives insertions from 3 m.- - Has a SUP thyroid notch
- Has an oblique line (3 m. attached=Thyrohyoid, Sternothyroid & [inf. Pharyngeal constrictor part] )
Where does the Stylopharyngeus / Palatopharyngeus / and Salpingopharyngeus muscles insert?
ALL insert at the POSTERIOR border of the Thyroid Cartilage Lamina
Cricoid Cartilage (____ _____) [4]
Cricoid Cartilage (SIGNET RING)
- the ONLY complete ring in the respiratory system
- anteriorly= narrow Arch
- Articulates w/thyroid cartilage using [Cricothyroid Ligament] —> [Cricothyroid Joint]
B: What structures form the [Laryngeal inlet]
A: Epiglottis is LEAF-LIKE and GUARDS THE INLET.
- 2 upper ends are free , Lower end attached to thyroid angle
- *ANT surface is related to tongue [Glosso-epiglottic folds & valleculae] & hyoid bone[Hyo-epiglottic ligament]
* POST surface - ## Has Aryepiglottic fold tht stretches to the ArytenoidsB: Aryepiglottic fold + Epiglottis + Arytenoids = [Laryngeal inlet]
Arytenoid cartilages (____) [3]
Arytenoid cartilages (Pyramid)
- 2 pyramids sit on top of Cricoid cartilage =[Cricoarytenoid Joint]
- Each pyramid has Muscular & Vocal Process
- Pyramid Apex articulates with corniculate cartilage
Corniculate & Cuneiform ____ _____ are embedded in the _____ _______
Corniculate & Cuneiform CARTILAGE NODULES are embedded in the ARYEPIGLOTTIC FOLD
There are __ Extrinsic and __ Intrinsic Membranes/Ligaments of the LARYNX
2 EXtrinsic and 2 inTRINSIC Membranes/Ligaments
- EXtrinsic:
1. Thyrohyoid membrane
- Crico-tracheal ligament
- ————————————————————————————-
* *inTRINSIC: = VOCAL CORDS - Quadrangular membrane
- [Conus Elasticus Crico-thryoid ligament]
1) Describe the structure of the Quadrangular membrane of Larynx
2) This membrane is an ____membrane of the Larynx and helps comprises what important structure?
3) The Epiglottis is attached to the ____ ____. What does this mean for the [Vestibular Ligament/FaLse vocaL foLd]
1) 4º = membrane stretched between Epiglottis & Arytenoids with its upper & lower ends free =
[Upper end–>Aryepiglottic fold] vs.
[Lower end–>VestibuLar Ligament-FoLd/FaLse vocaL cord]
2) 4º membrane is INTRINSIC Larynx membrane = VOCAL CORDS!
- ————————————————————————————-
3) Epiglottis is attached to THYROID ANGLE. So Vestibular ligament is extended between [thyroid cartilage] & [Arytenoid cartilage]
A: Describe the [Conus Elasticus Crico-thyroid ligament]
B: How is it related to the [Vocal Ligament True Vocal Fold]?
C: What is the [Rima Glottidis]
D: How is Cricothyrotomy related to ALL of this??
A: single membrane stretched between thyroid & cricoid cartilage
B: On its UPPER BORDER is the [Vocal Ligament TRUE Vocal Fold] which extends from thyroid angle to arytenoid vocal process
C: Air Space inbetween Vocal Ligament-Folds from opposite sides
D: Cricothyrotomy can be done after failure of Valsalva maneuver during foreign body inhalation
A: List the order of Larynx structures from Above to below [6]
B: What is the [Piriform Fossa] and where is it located? Why is it a vulnerable spot?
1st: ON TOP= Laryngeal inlet
2. Vestibule
3. [Vestibular Ligament-FoLd/FaLse vocaL cord]
4. Ventricle
- [Vocal Ligament-FoLd/ TRUE Vocal cord]
- ## Infraglottic cavityB: [Piriform Fossa] = 1ST MOST COMMON SITE for foreign body lodging - located on both sides of Aryepiglottic folds.
Removing foreign body from area may damage [internal laryngeal n.]–>no sensation to upper 1/2 Larynx
- All Laryngeal muscles come from ___ arch except _____, which develops from the ___ arch!
- A: ALL Laryngeal muscles are innervated by the ___ n. except ______ which is innervated by the ______ n.
B: What is the parent n. for both of these nerves? - ______ muscle is the only Vocal Cord ABductor and functions to __________. What happens when this muscle is paralyzed/injured?
- ALL Laryngeal muscles come from 6TH PHARYNGEAL ARCH except CRICOTHYROID m., which comes from 4TH pharyngeal arch
- ———————————————————————————- - ALL Laryngeal muscles are innervated by [recurrent laryngeal nerve] EXCEPT CRICOTHYROID m. which is innervated by [EXTERNAL LARYNGEAL n.]
B: Both nerves ULTIMATELY come from VAGUS n.
- [POSTERIOR CRICO-ARYTENOID] m. is the ONLY Vocal Cord ABductor & functions to OPEN RIMA GLOTTIS space.
* **Paraylyzed—–>Fatal because Rima Glottidis is closed
Explain why the Larynx Vocal Cords represent a “watershed”
Upper 1/2 Larynx :
ºBlood= [SUP laryngeal a.] from SUP thyroid a.
ºnerve= [internal laryngeal n.] from SUP laryngeal of Vagus
Lower 1/2 Larynx:
ºBlood= [inf. Laryngeal a.] from [inf. Thyroid a.]
ºnerve= [recurrent Laryngeal n.] from SUP laryngeal of Vagus
A: _____ and _____ are the 2 common sites for foreign body lodging but ______ is MOST COMMON
B: Blood supply of the Thyroid gland is closely related to ____ supply of _____ so during ______ procedure, Surgeons have to be careful!
A: [Piriform Fossa] and valleculae are common sites for foreign body but [Piriform Fossa] ARE MOST COMMON
B: Blood supply of Thyroid gland is closely related to NERVE SUPPLY OF LARYNX so during [THYROIDECTOMY], surgeon has to be careful!
1. Origin
2. Insertion [2]
3. Nerve innervation
1. Anterolateral cricoid cartilage
2. Thyroid cartilage inf. margin AND inf. Horn
3. [SUP Laryngeal n.>EXTernal Laryngeal branch] **
- Stretches & tenses [Vocal ligament TRUE Vocal Fold]
1. Origin [2]
2. Insertion
3. Nerve innervation
1. [angle of thyroid]-lower POST half & Cricothyroid ligament
2. Anterolateral Arytenoid surface
3. [recurrent laryngeal n.>inf. end] from Vagus
- Relaxes [Vocal ligament TRUE Vocal Fold]
1. Origin
2. Insertion
3. Nerve innervation
1. Cricoid cartilage POST lamina
2. Arytenoid cartilage Vocal Process
3. [recurrent laryngeal n.>inf. end] from Vagus
- ABducts Vocal Folds
1. Origin
2. Insertion
3. Nerve innervation
1. Cricoid cartilage ARCH
2. Arytenoid cartilage Vocal Process
3. [recurrent laryngeal n.>inf. end] from Vagus
- ADDucts interligamentous part of Vocal Folds
1. Origin
2. Insertion
3. Nerve innervation
4. ACTION [3]
1. One Arytenoid cartilage
2. Contralateral Arytenoid cartilage
3. [recurrent laryngeal n.>inf. end] from Vagus
- ºADDucts arytenoid cartilages
ºADDucts interligamentous part of Vocal Folds
ºCloses POST [Rima Glottidis]
- *VOCALIS** m.
1. Origin
2. Insertion
3. Nerve innervation
- *VOCALIS** m.
1. [Arytenoid cartilage>Lateral vocal process]
2. Ipsilateral vocal ligament
3. [recurrent laryngeal n.>inf. end] from Vagus
- Relaxes POST Vocal ligament while maintaining/INC tension of ANT part
1) What is the [Adam’s Apple]? (AKA ___ ____)
2) Why is it Larger in Males?
3) What throat structure is this apart of?
1) “Laryngeal prominence” formed by the 2 [Thyroid cartilage] lamina Anteriorly fusing —> hyaline cartilage PEAK
2) Larger/More Prominent in males because [Angle of PEAK] is smaller in Men