11-10 Pelvis Flashcards
Locate these 5 parts of the iLium
- iliac fossa
- iliac crest
- ANT SUP iliac spine
- ANT inf iliac spine
- POST SUP iliac spine
- POST inf iliac spine
Locate these 4 parts of the Ischium
- Ischial tuberosity
- lesser sciatic notch
- ischiadic spine
- Greatr sciatic notch
Locate these 7 components of the PUBIS
1) SUP ramus
2) inf ramus
3) Body
4) Pubic crest
5) Pubic tubercle
6) pectineal line
7) Obturator foramen ; Obturator membrane
Pelvis MAJor vs. pelvis minor
pelvis minor= “true” pelvis——->inferior to superior pelvic aperture. Contains Pelvic viscera
A: What are the contents of the Pelvis? [3]
B: What are the important Ligaments of the Pelvis? Describe what they articulate [4]
A: ºRectum
ºFemale Uterus/Vagina OR male prostate gland
-Pubic Symphysis= Joins 2 pubic bones
- Sacroiliac Ligament= From sacrum to iliac crest—-> LIGAMENT STRAINED WITH MANY GYMNAST
- Sacrotuberous Ligament= sacrum to [ischial tuberosity]
- Sacrospinous Ligament = sacrum to [ischial spine]
What are the Muscles of the Pelvis A: Lateral Wall B: Back Wall [3] C: Floor D: What is the Urogenital Diaphragm?
A: Lateral Wall= Obturator Internus M.
ºlateral thigh rotator
B: Back Wall= Piriformis M.
C: Floor = Pelvic Diaphragm
Contains [Levator Ani m. and Coccygeus m. ]
D. special= Urogenital Diaphragm
º fibers inferior to Pelvic Diaphragm oriented perpendicularly directed toward [pubococcygeus m.]
ºprovides solid support for pelvic Viscera
Pelvic Diaphragm muscle acts as _____ of the Pelvic Cavity and is made of 3 important components.
What are they?
Internal (vs. EXTernal) Iliac artery supplies Blood to ______. What daughter arteries are included in its…
A: Anterior Divison [7]
B: Posterior MUSCULAR Division [3]
C: Internal and EXTernal Iliac artery both come from ____ ____ artery when divides at ___ vertebrae. This Parent artery originates from the ____ _____
Internal Iliac artery supplies blood to PELVIS
–Daughter arteries include….
A: Anterior Divison
- Obliterated Umbilical a.
- SUP Vesicle A. (Feeds Upper bladder)
- inf Vesicle A. (normally feeds lower bladder) [CAN BE SWITCHED OUT IN FEMALES FOR UTERINE ARTERY]
- Obturator a.
- Middle Rectal a.
- inf Gluteal a. [found UNDER Piriformis m.]
- ## *INTERNAL PUDENDAL a. * [goes to perineum after going around sacrospinous ligament]B: Posterior MUSCULAR Divison
- SUP GLUTEAL {biggest artery}
- Lateral sacral a.
- ## Iliolumbar a.Internal and EXTernal Iliac artery both come from COMMON ILIAC ARTERY when it divides at L4.
**COMMON ILIAC ARTERY stems from Grandparent artery DESCENDING AORTA!
SACRAL PLEXUS (L4-___) rest on the ____ muscle and gives several branches to the Pelvis & ____.
A: List imp nerves in its ANT division [4]
B: List IMP nerves in its POST Division [5]
C: What is significance of the PUDENDAL NERVE
D: What are the root contributions for the Sciatic Nerve? Which of these make up the [Lumbosacral trunk]?
SACRAL PLEXUS (L4-S5) rest on PIRIFORMIS muscle & gives several branches to Pelvis & PERINEUM.
C: ANT division of SACRAL PLEXUS
a) tibial SCIATIC n.
b) n. to obturator internus
d) medial>POST femoral cutaneous n.
A-SUP/inf gluteal n. [wraps around Piriformis m.]
B- lateral>POST femoral cutaneous n.
C- Piriformis n.
D- [perforating cutaneous n. S2/S3]
F: Sciatic Nerve = [L4-L5] + [S1-S3]
[L4-L5]—>Lumbosacral trunk
Sympathetic Trunks of the SACRAL PLEXUS descend from _____ along the ____ and converge to form the ___ _____
2) What nerves are responsible for Sympathetic Sacral innervation?
Sympathetic Trunks of SACRAL PLEXUS descend from ABDOMEN along SACRUM & coverage to form the GANGLION IMPAR
2) Sacral Splanchnics
How does the Pelvis receive Autonomic PARAsympathetic innervation?
PELVIC SPLANCHNICS S2-4 combine with sympathetic [SUP Hypogastric Plexus]–>form [inf Hypogastric Plexus] on pelvis wall = PARAsympathetic
A: Describe Rectum orientation with colon and anus
B: What is the Rectal Ampulla
B2: What is the [Rectouterine pouch of Douglas]
C: what are the 3 Rectal Blood Supply arteries , THEIR PARENTS and section perfused for Rectum [3]
A: ºRectum is continuous structurally with colon and technically called rectum when mesentery is lost.
B: Rectal Ampulla= terminal dilated prt of rectum tht contains [Rectovesical pouch] & [Rectouterine pouch]
1. SUP Rectal branch of [inf. Mesenteric a.]= upper 2/3
- Middle Rectal a. of [ INTERNAL ILIAC a.]= lower 1/3 Muscle layer
- Inferior Rectal a. of [INTERNAL PUDENDAL a.]=anastomoses w/[SUP rectal branch] in anal columns
B: What about Nerve Supply for Rectum??
*Internal Rectal Plexus= just deep to epithelium and drains [SUP Rectal V. ]
**EXTernal Rectal Plexus= outside muscular wall and has SUP part drain [SUP Rectal V.] but inferior prt drains [INTERNAL PUDENDAL V.]
B: Rectal nerve supply:
ºSympathetics= [Hypogastric plexus] directly and fibers accompanying [SUP Rectal a.]
ººPARASympathetic= from Pelvic Splanchnics S2,3,4
The BLADDER wall contains a ____ Muscle which is made of ______.
B: List Bladder ligaments , where they extend from and what they’re made of
C: What is the Blood supply for Bladder
D: Nerve supply for Bladder
E: What 2 structures are found INSIDE Bladder
BLADDER wall contains DETRUSOR Muscle made of circular & inner longitudinal muscle layers.
B: male = [puboprostatic ligament]
feMale= [puboVesical ligament]
**Both extend from [levator ani and pubic bone] —->Bladder
**Both made of condensed subserous fascia
C: Bladder Blood Supply=
1. [SUP/inf vesical arteries]
D: Bladder NERVE Supply=
1. Sympathetic from Pelvic Plexus
- ## PARAsympathetics from Pelvic Splanchnics=motor to detrusor m.E: [trigone] and [interureteric folds] are found interiorly
ºfeMale URETHRA is ____[short/LONG] & runs from ___ _____ to _______.
ºMALE URETHRA is divided into __ sections. What are they?
B: What is the nerve innervation for the URETHRA?
D: The PROSTATE lies between the ____ and ____ ____. It is perforated by the _____
ºfeMale URETHRA is SHORT and runs from BLADDER NECK—->VAGINAL VESTIBULE end point
ºMALE URETHRA = divided into 3 sections
1. (4 prt) Prostatic urethra
2. membranous urethra
3. spongy urethra
B: URETHRA innervation= Autonomic PARAsympathetic: Pelvic Splanchnics
A: Describe Route of Passage for [vas deferens] [3]
B: What is the Seminal Vesicle and where is it located
C: Nerve innervation for [vas deferens] and Seminal Vesicles
A: [vas deferens]
*enters abdomen thru deep inguinal ring–>
**crosses umbilical a., obturator n. & vessels toward bladder neck—>
**then travels medial to seminal vesicles eventually joining [seminal vesicles DUCT] –>becoming [ejaculatory duct] on POST Bladder
B: Seminal Vesicle= branched tube tht joins distal [vas deferens] to form [ejaculatory Duct].
ººfound above prostate and lateral to vas deferens
C: Sympathetic innervation= smooth m. contraction
The Uterus is a __-shaped organ found between the ____ and _____ of a feMale. Uterus Lumen is continuous with lumen of ____ _____
B: List Layers of the Uterus [3] / Describe the 2 “Bends” / List Peritoneal Reflections[2]
C: What perfuses the Uterus [2]
D: Nerve Supply for Uterus
Uterus is PEAR-shaped organ found between RECTUM and BLADDER. Uterus Lumen is continuous with lumen of UTERINE TUBES
- Cervix
- Body
- Fundus
ºPosition: AnteVersion & Anteflexion
ººPeritoneal Reflections = [Vesico-uterine pouch] &
[Recto-uterine pouch]
C: Uterus perfusion=
1) [Uterine a.] (passes above ureter in base of broad ligament)
2) [Ovarian a.]
Sympathetic= [hypogastric plexus]
PARAsympathetic= [pelvic nerve from S1-4]
There are 4 Uterine Ligaments. Name & Describe them
Uterine Ligaments
- BROAD Ligament=
ºfold of peritoneum extending from Uterus sides—>lateral pelvis wall (surrounding uterine tubes)
ºBroad ligament surrounds ovarian blood vessels as [SUSPENSORY OVARIAN LIGAMENT]
ºincludes Mesovarium & Mesosalpinx
————————————————————————————– - Round Ligament= lies in front & inferior to BROAD Ligament
- Transverse cervical Ligament= from cervix –>Lateral walls
- Uterosacral Ligament = from cervix—>mid Sacrum
A: How long are the Uterine tubes, what do they attach to and how are they related to the Uterus Lumen?
B: What is the purpose of Uterine tubes?
C: What are the 4 parts of the Uterine tubes
D: where are the Uterine Tubes located?
A: Uterine tubes are 4 inches long and attach to Uterus Fundus. Lumen of Uterine tube is continuous with Uterus Lumen.
B: Uterine tubes form direct connection between peritoneal cavity & uterine cavity –>transmits ovum into uterine cavity
C: *isthmus / *ampulla / *infundibulum / *fimbriae
D: Uterine Tubes lie in upper border of [BROAD Uterine Ligament]
A: Where is the Ovary located and what does it attach to?
B: What perfuses the Ovaries?
C: How is the Uterine [SUSPENSORY OVARIAN LIGAMENT] related to the Ovary?
D: [T or F] Ovaries utilize the Uterine Round Ligament
A: Ovary is on lateral pelvic wall attached to [POSTERIOR BROAD Ligament] via [Mesovarium]
C: Uterine [SUSPENSORY OVARIAN LIGAMENT] = condensation of Fascia tht surrounds ovarian blood A/V AND suspends Ovary laterally to Pelvic Wall
1) [T or F] Females have an [inf. vesicle artery]
2) Why or Why not?
3) Where does the [inf vesicle artery] come from?
1) FALSE! The [inf vesicle artery] is REPLACED with [Uterine artery] in females
2) Females have Uterine artery because it feeds Uterus & Vagina
3) [inf vesicle artery] comes from ANT Division of [Internal Iliac artery] <—– Descending Aorta
A: What 4 structures transmits thru the GREATER sciatic foramen?
B:What 2 things make up the 2 Sciatic foramen?
- [SUP/inf gluteal arteries and nerves]
- Piriformis muscle
B: Sciatic Foramens are made from [SacroSpinous ligament] and [SacroTuberous ligament]
B: What 2 things make up the 2 Sciatic foramen?
- Part PUDENDAL n.
- Obteratur internus m. tendon
- ## Internal Pudendal Artery [from ANT Division of Internal Iliac artery]B: Sciatic Foramens are made from [SacroSpinous ligament] and [SacroTuberous ligament]
1. The Ileum bone is also known as the ____
- What muscle sits on top of the [Sacrospinous ligament]?
- What are the 3 Umbilical Ligaments. Where do they all originate from?
- Which nerve courses with the HUGE SCIATIC n. ?
- How is the [Obturator n.] described and where is it at?
- Which muscle does the [Genitofemoral n.] pierce and which one of its daughters innervates the Cremaster?
- Describe why Rectal pectinate line plays a role in Rectal sensation?
- Ileum bone = Coxal Bone
- Coccygeal muscle
- ————————————————————————————- - {2} mediaL umbilical ligament
The EXTernal Iliac artery becomes the ____ artery once it passes underneath the ____ ligament. Before this occurs, what daughter artery branches does it give off?
EXTernal iliac artery becomes FEMORAL artery once it passes underneath INGUINAL LIGAMENT. Gives off [inf. epigastric vessels] BEFORE IT PASSES UNDER, so they can make up [Lateral umbilical ligament]
A: What is so special about the Trigone of the internal ____
B: What is the order of outside vaginal structures in order? (top to bottom) [3]
A: Trigone of the Internal BLADDER is THE ONLY GU structure that was MESODERM! (everything was endoderm)