ن Flashcards
to send to sleep, make sleepy
naa33as [binaa33es]
laamma biiHki, bina33eesni When he talks, he sends me to sleep.
to announce a death
naa3a [biin3i]
byiin3u 3aleeh They publish an announcementof his death.
to curse
naa3al [biin3al]
yiin3al ‘abuuk! May God curse your father!
siyaaset in-na3aame, illi bitgoozz raas-ha fi-r-raamel
The policy of the ostrich which hides its head in the sand.
to croak, caw
to hoot (owl)
naa3aq [biin3aq]
il-guraab byiin3aq The raven croaks.
il-buum byiin3aq The owl hoots.
sole (of a shoe)
naa3el / n3aal
HoTT-iilli nuuSS naa3el Put me half a sole.
soft, delicate, smooth
naa3em / naa3me
cp ‘aan3am
hal-biiss shaa3ro naa3em This cat has soft fur.
suukkar naa3em icing sugar / confectioner’s sugar
il-qaahwe, iTHaan-li yyaaha naa3me!
Grind the coffee fine for me, please!
maabrad naa3em a fine file
death notice, announcement of a death
miin HaaTT in-naa3i fi-j-jariide? Who put the death notice in the paper?
haada naa3i miin? Whose death notice is that?
‘aana qriit in-naa3i I read the death notice.
(said to someone who had a haircut, shower or bath)
‘aalla yiin3em 3aleek! May God give you pleasure!
naa3je / na3jaat
biHooTTu naa3na3 fish-shaay They put mint in the tea.
mlaabbas naa3na3 / mlaabbas 3ala naa3na3
mint-flavoured sweets / mint candies
sleepy, drowsy
na3saan / na3saane / na3saniin
‘aana mush na3saan I’m not sleepy.
il-biint na3saane The girl’s drowsy.
il-‘awlaad na3saniin, nayymii-hom
The children are sleepy, put them to bed!
deputy, substitute
representative, delegate
member of parliament, member of the knessset, representative, congressman etc
naa’eb / nuwwaab
naa’eb il-mudiir the deputy manager
maajles in-nuwwaab parliament / house of representatives
in-naa’eb il-3aamm the Attorney General
to stammer, stutter
naaqnaq [binaaqneq]
Saar inaaqneq He started stammering.
to gush out, well up
to result from, stem from
naaba3 [biinba3]
il-maayy btiinba3 min il-‘aarD The water gushes out of the ground.
biinba3 min ‘akhlaaqo T-Taayybe
It’s the result of his good moral character.
biinba3 min khalfiiyyto th-thaqafiiyye
It stems from his cultural background.