أ Flashcards
to be infectious, be contagious, be catching
to infect
‘aa3da [bii3di]
hal-maaraD byii3di this disease is infectious
to destroy, execute, put to death
‘aa3dam [bii3dem]
‘aa3dem 3yuuni iza-kaan baakzeb 3aleek!
Cross my heart and hope to die if I’m not telling you the truth!
to exempt
‘aa3fa [bii3fi]
l-m3aallem ‘a3faa-ni min id-daars
higher, highest
‘aa3la / 3uulya 3aali
in-naaSre l-3uulya upper nazareth
‘aa3ma / 3aamya / 3umyaan
3een il-Hoobb 3aamya love is blind
knowing better, more expert
inte ‘aa3raf miinni
lame, limping, having a limp
‘aa3raj / 3aarja / 3uuroj
crooked, bent, twisted
dishonest, crooked
‘aa3waj / 3ooja / 3uuj
zaalame ‘aa3waj a crooked person, a dishonest person
il-looH ‘aa3waj the plank’s crooked
one-eyed, blind in one eye
‘aa3war / 3oora /3uraan
3iind il-3umyaan il-‘aa3war maalek
in the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king
‘aabadi / abadiiyye eternal
not at all, not in the least, absolutley not
maa lak za3laan? ‘aabadan, ‘aabadan
What’s wrong? nothing at all.
‘aabb / ‘abbahaat
iiza l-‘aabb bi3aareD if the father is opposed…
to eulogise, deliver a funeral oration
‘aabban [bi’aabben]
‘aabjadi / ‘abjadiiyye
Haasab il-Huruuf il- ‘abjadiiyye in alphabetical order
more blessed
u-iintu ‘aabrak! And you are more blessed!
to flash with lightning
‘aabraq [biibreq]
id-diinya 3am-tiibreq there’s lightning
to make prominent, accentuate, emphasise, highlight
‘aabraz [biibrez]
3ashaan tiibrez jamaal-ha so as to highlight her beauty
to please, delight, gladden, make happy
‘aabsaT [biibseT]
hal-khaabar ‘absaaTni ktiir That piece of news made me very glad
kunt biiddi ‘aabesTak I wanted to make you happy
nshaalla tinbeesTu! ‘aalla yiibesTak!
I hope you have a good time! May God gladden you!
I don’t have the faintest idea. God alone knows, Heaven knows.
‘aabSar ween ikhtaafat…Heaven knows where she’s disappeared to!
‘aabSar miin qaal-lo heek I don’t know who told him that.
to cancel, neutralise, dismantle, disarm
‘aabTal [biibTel]
khabiir ish-shuurTa ‘aabTal il-3uubwe
The police bomb-disposal expert disarmed the bomb.
father of
having, wearing, possessing [a particular quality]
at, costing, worth (+ number)
‘a3Tiini ‘aabu l-3aashara Give me the one at 10 shekels
‘aabu keersh pot-bellied
‘aabu T-Taqiiyye the man with the hat
‘aabu maazen Mazen’s father
Father (a priest)