غ Flashcards
‘iimsaH il-gaabara Wipe away the dust!
opacity, murkiness
fii gabaash 3a-l-qazaaze There’s steam on the window.
to cover with dust
to dust (in some areas)
gaabbar [bigaabber]
is-sayyaara gaabbarat il-beet The car filled the house with dust.
ish-shaare3 bigaabber 3aleena We get a lot of dust coming in from the street.
mgaabbar dusty /covered with dust
to become blurred
gaabbash [bigaabbesh]
naaZari mgaabbesh my vision is blurred
iS-Suura mgaabbshe the picture’s fuzzy
3inaayye mgabbshiin My eyes are blurred
stupid, foolish, simple-minded
gaabi / gabiiyye / ‘agbiya
jiil il-gaad the young generation
huwwe saaken gaad He lives there
baass nuuSal la-gaad the moment we get there
min gaad from there
lunch, midday meal
baa3d il-gaada after lunch
shuu bya3Tuukom 3a-l-gaada What do they give you for lunch?
rage, fury, anger
min kuutret il-gaaDab so furious that…
gaafi / gaaffye / gafyiin
laqeeto gaafi, fayyaaqto. I found him asleep, so I woke him up.
absent-minded, distracted
asleep, drowsy
gaflaan / gaflaane / gaflaniin
[high] cost
[high] price
galaa’ il-ma3iishe the cost of living
trouble, inconvenience
shuu hal-gaalabe? You shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble!
ma fiishsh gaalabe ‘aabadan! It’s no trouble!
gaalbatak raaHa! Taking trouble for you is a pleasure! (your trouble is rest)
mistake, error
wrong, incorrect
gaalaT / ‘aglaaT
bil-gaalaT by mistake
bifaakker heek, bass haada gaalaT! He thinks so, but he’s mistaken!
il-jawaab gaalaT the answer’s wrong
in-nuumra gaalaT You’ve got the wrong number
l-Hsaab gaalaT the addition’s wrong
SalleeH-li ‘aglaaTi Correct my mistakes.
boiling, unrest
haada saabbab galayaan fi-l-qaarye It caused unrest in the village.
galbaan / galbaane / galbaniin
galbaan fi-l-Hayaah, 3iindo Su3ubaat ktiir
He’s got a hard life, he’s got a lot of problems.
miin miinna mush galbaan hal-‘ayyamaat.
Who doesn’t have troubles these days?
winner, victor
gaaleb / gaalbe / galibiin
heenne l-galibiin They are all winners.
expensive, dear
dear (loved)
gaali / gaalye / galyiin
cp ‘aagla
haada gaali ktiir! That’s very expensive.
iishi ‘aagla something more expensive
‘aagla waaHad the most expensive one
‘inte gaali 3aleena You are dear to us.
having boiled
gaali / gaalye (active)
‘aana gaali l-maayy I’ve boiled the water.
coffee pot, kettle
gallaay / gallayaat
yield, harvest, produce
takings, revenue, proceeds
kiif il-gaalle has-siine? How’s the harvest this year?
biiddi ‘awaaddi l-gaalle 3a-l-baank I want to take the takings to the bank.
error, mistake, blunder
gaalTa / galTaat
haay kaanat gaalTa kbiire That was a big blunder.
wrong, mistaken (of a person)
galTaan / galTaane / galTaniin
iinti galTaane You’re mistaken
‘iiza ‘aana mush galTaan if i’m not mistaken
newly expensive
having gone up in price
galyaan / galyaane
il-banDoora galyaane! Tomatoes have gone up in price!
galyuun / galayiin
bidaakhkhen galyuun He smokes a pipe.
bi3aabbi l-galyuun He fills the pipe.
to close (eyes)
gaamaD [buugmoD]
3inaayye gaamaDu la-Haal-hen My eyes closed of their own accord.
to embark upon an adventure
to risk
gaamar [bigaamer]
biHeebb igaamer He likes to be adventurous / take risks.
fii naas biHeebbu igaamru Some people like to take risks.
baqdaarsh agaamer fi maablag kbiir I can’t risk a large sum.
to wink
gaamaz [biigmez]
gamaaz-ni gaamze He winked at me / He gave me a wink.
unclear, obscure
enigmatic, concealed, mysterious
gaameD / gaamDa
haada ‘iishi gaameD It’s an enigma. It’s a mystery.
‘ashyaa’ GaamDa mysterious things
jaarna raajol GaameD Our neighbor is a mysterious man.
jawaab GaameD a vague response
maSiirna kaan GaameD Our fate was unclear
dark (colour)
gaameq / gaamqa
cp ‘aagmaq
‘aazraq gaameq dark blue
biiddi ‘iishi ‘aagmaq I want something darker.
deep (concrete, not abstract)
gamiiq / gamiiqa / gmaaq
cp ‘aagmaq
il-biir haada mish gamiiq This well isn’t very deep.
maHaall-ma l-maayy mush gamiiqa Wherever the water isn’t deep
to close (eyes)
gaammaD [bigaammeD]
gaammaDat 3ineeha She closed her eyes.
gaammeD 3ineek Close your eyes!
kaan mgaammaD He was blindfolded.
mgaammeD 3ineeh with his eyes closed
to make deeper, deepen
gaammaq [bigaammeq]
gaammaqu l-khaandaq They made the trench deeper.