ف Flashcards
then, so, hence, thus
fa-hoon fii iishi taani But this is different
active, energetic
effective, efficacious
fa33aal / fa33aale / fa33aliin
id-daawa mish fa33aal the medicine’s not working
effectiveness, efficacy
fa33aliiyye / fa33aliyyaat
fa33aliiyyet id-daawa the effectiveness of the medicine
to squash, crush, flatten
faa3aS [biif3aS]
fi hoon SarSuur, ‘iif3aSo! there’s a cockroach, squash it!
to scatter, flee, run away
faa3aT [biif3aT]
il jaaj faa3aT The chickens scattered
in-naas faa3aTu The people fled
to pick over, search through and scatter
faa3fal [bifaa3fel]
il-jaaje bitfaa3fel iz-zbaale The hen picks over the rubbish
winner, victor
to overflow, flood
faaD [bifiiD]
in-naaher faaD The river overflowed
il-maayy faayDa The water’s overflowing
void, space
safiinet il-faDaa spaceship
il-faDaa’ il-khaariji outer space
space (adj)
relating to outer space
faDaa’i / faDa’iiyye
to shame, disgrace, dishonour, show up, bring into disrepute
to make shameful facts public
faaDah [yiifDaH]
faDaaH-ha He exposed her to public disgrace
ma tifDah-naa-sh! don’t digrace us!
biddnaa-sh niifDaH il-‘umuur We don’t want any dark secrets to come out
free time, leisure
3aala faDaawtak in your free time
to vacate
to empty
faaDDa [bifaaDDi]
faDDeet il-jaruur I emptied the drawer
faDDii-li l-qanniine Empty the bottle for me
bafaaDDi Haali I’ll make time
to prefer
[to feel that one] would rather/ would sooner
to favour, give preferential treatment to
faaDDal [bifaaDDel]
bafaaDDel aruuH la-Haali I’d rather go on my own.
bifaaDDel il-moot 3ala heek 3iishe He’d sooner die than live like this.
il-mudiir bifaaDDlo 3an geero The manager favours him over the others.
favour, grace
min faaDlak Please!
il-faaDel ‘iilak! Thanks to you!
tfaaDDal! Take it! Come in!
empty, vacant, free, unoccupied
faaDi / faaDye / faDyiin
il-maHaall faaDi the space is free
haat qanniine faaDye Bring an empty bottle!
haallaq ‘aana mush faDii-lak I don’t have time for you at present
haada kuullo kalaam faaDi That’s a lot of empty talk
ruuHet la-hunaak 3a-l-faaDi I went there for nothing. It was a waste of time.
disgrace, scandal, humiliation
faDiiHa / fDiiHa / faDaayeH
fdiiHet ‘uukhti my sister’s disgrace
biduun faDaayeH! Don’t show us up!/ Try not to disgrace us!
virtue, good quality
faDiile / faDaayel
il-i3tiraaf bil-khaaTa faDiile Admitting one’s mistakes is a virtue.
remainder, remnant, leftovers, scraps
faaDle / faDalaat
faaDlet il-‘aakel the leftovers
il-yoom biiddna nookol il-faDalaat Today we are eating leftovers.
faDalaat l-qmaash scraps of fabric
faahem / faahme (active)
to explain, make (someone) understand
faahham [bifaahhem]
‘aana fahhaamto I explained it to him
biiddi tfahhem-ni ‘iishi I want you to explain something to me
Taayyeb, ‘aana bafaahhmak OK, I’ll explain to you.
quick-thinking, quick-witted, resourceful
faahlawi / fahlawiiyye
table of contents, index
faahras / fahaares
to spread, pervade
faaH [bifuuH]
ir-riiHa lmniiHa bitfuuH fi kull il-guurfe The pleasant smell pervades the room
text, examination, exam
faaHS / faaHeS / fuHuuS
faaHS id-daamm blood test
mnistaanna ntaa’ej il-fuHuSaat We’re waiting for the results of the tests.
faakhd / faakhde / fkhaad
il-fakhedteen the [two] thighs
splendid, magnificent, grand, fancy, classy
faakhem / faakhme
cp ‘aafkham
sakniin fi ‘aafkham byuut They live in the most luxurious houses.
malaabes faakhme magnificent clothes, fancy clothes, classy outifts
pride, glory
magnificence, splendour
huu faakhr-il-3eele He’s the pride and joy of his family
glorious, luxurious, grand, fancy
faakher / faakhira
cp ‘aafkhar
fi maTaa3em faakhira in fancy restaurants
trap, snare
wiiqe3 fi-l-faakhkh He fell into the trap
laazem nuunSob faakhkh Haatta niimsek it-taa3lab
We have to set a trap to catch the fox.
to honour, treat respectfully
to pronounce emphatically
Haarf mufaakhkham emphatic consonant
‘aaHrof mufaakhkhame emphatic consonants
fakhuur / fakhuura / fakhuriin
‘aana fakhuur fiiki I’m proud of you!
naas fakhuriin proud people
faj3aan / faj3aane / faj3aniin
faaj’a Saarat tshaatti Suddenly it began to rain.
u-faaj’a, il-baab infaataH and suddenly the door opened.
Salaat il-faajer the morning prayer (in Islam)
to blast, blow up, dynamite, detonate
faajjar [bifaajjer]
faajjaru S-Saakhra They blew up the rock.
biiddhom ifaajjru l-3uubwe They are going to detonate the bomb.
gap, breach
faajwe / fajwaat
fii faajwet il-‘‘ajyall there’s the generation gap
fii faajwe fi-l-HeeT There’s a gap in the wall.
laaqa faajwe fi-l-qanuun He found a loophole in the law.
hiiyye mit3aallme u jooz-ha laa’, fii benaathom faajwe
She’s well educated but her husband isn’t, there’s a gap between them.
faakiha / fawaakeh
fawaakeh mjaaffafe dried fruit
il-fakkeen the jaws / upper and lower jaws
il-faakk il-‘asfal wil-faakk il-3uulwi the lower jaw and the upper jaw
faaks / faksaat
ba3aat-li faaks He set me a fax.
‘ajaani faaks I received a fax.
kull yoom bijuuni faksaat I get faxes every day.
to fax, send a fax
faaksas [bifaakses]
btiiqdar tfaksees-li yyaah? Can you fax it to me?
sign, omen
haada faal mliiH That’s a good omen.
smee3t il-buume.. haada faal! I heard the owl, it’s a omen!
faal ‘allaah waala faalak!
May things turn out as God decrees and not as you forsee them.
to plough, cultivate, till
faalaH [biiflaH]
biiflaH ‘aarDo He ploughs his land.
‘aarD mafluuHa ploughed / cultivated land