ق Flashcards
sitting about
kuul shuugol ‘aaHsan min l-q3uud
Any work is better than just sitting about.
bottom, [sea] floor
qaa3 il-baaHer the sea floor
3ala qaa3 il-kubbaaye / il-biir at the bottom of the glass / of the well
qaa3 iT-Taanjara mush nDiif The bottom of the pan’s dirty.
to seat, sit (someone) down
qaa33ad [biqaa33ed]
qaa33ad il-waalad jaambo He sat the child down beside him.
large room
qaa3at iS-Salaah prayer hall
hoon qaa3et il-muHaDaraat Here’s the lecture hall.
qaa3et il-muTaala3a the reading room
to sit, sit down
to stay, remain, be
to begin
to be inactive, be unempoyed, not working
to have the day off
qaa3ad [buuq3od]
faat 3ala ooDto u-qaa3ad 3a-t-taakhet
He went in to his room and sat down on the bed.
biiddak tuuq3od? Would you like to sit down?
uuq3od! Sit down!
qaa3ed 3ala naar antsy
sitting, way of sitting, seat
qä3de 3arabiye cross-legged
sitting about
qää3ed / qää3de / qää3diin
kään qää3ed 3a-t-täkhet He was sitting on the bed.
biDall qää3ed He remains sitting.
il-ewlääd qä3diin bistännuu-nä! The children are sitting waiting for us!
principle, rule
qaa3ide / qawää3ed
qaa3ide 3äskäriyye army base
mnistännä ‘äwäämer min qää3idetna Were awaiting orders from our base.
qawaa3ed il-lugä the rules of the language
qaa‘ed / quwwääd or qaada
qaa‘ed il-urkesträ the conductor of the orchestra
list, table
qaa‘ime / qawaa‘em or qa’imäät
qaa‘imet il-äs3aar the price list
il-qaa‘ime s-säwdä the blacklist
qaa‘imet il-Häräkäät il-‘irhabiyye list of terrorist organisations
to tear off
qäbä3 [biqbä3]
qäbä3 il-i3lään He tore off the advertisement
bäqbä3 iT-Taabe3 I tear off the stamp.
to catch, seize
to get, receive (wages, money)
qabaD [buqboD]
qabaDu 3äleeh They caught him.
‘änä bäqboD shähri I get paid monthly
qäddeesh btuqboD? How much do you earn?
joozi buqboD qäddi marrteen My husband earns twice as much as I do.
strong-arm man, tough, tough guy
qabaDaay / qabaDayäät
3äämel Häälo qabaDaay He tries to act like a tough.
in kunt fe3län qabaDaay, tfaDDal!
If youre reallz such a tough guz, come on then!
to bury
qabar [buqbor or biqber]
qabaru jämb il-beet They buried him next to the house.
hal-khetyaar byiqberna kullna! That old man will see us all into the grave!
btiqber Häälhä bil-beet She buries herself in the house.
mäqbuur / mäqbuura / mäqbuuriin buried
platform scale, weighbridge