Zoonotic I : Yellow Fever Flashcards
Mention at least 10 zoonotic diseases
Yellow fever
Schistosomiasis - bilharzia
Hydatid disease - echinococcosis
Rabies - hydrophobia
Plague - black death
Brucellosis - Malta fever
Anthrax - wool sorter’s disease
Rickettsia disease - spotted fever
What is Yellow fever?
arboviral disease of monkey transmitted to men
What is the meaning of arbovirus
(Virus infection from arthropods)
The endemic zone of yellow fever
In africa bt 15 °N & 10 °S of equator
Yellow fever in libya
Not seen, but however requires immediate notification
magnitude of disease problem of yellow fever
In Africa and south America.
Agent of yellow fever
Flavivirus fabricus is a virus of arbovirus group B (S.S RNA)
Reservoir of yellow fever infection
In the forest area : monkey d luffy (just kidding)
In urban or rural area: the men
Aedes egypti and Aedes africanus mosquitoes
Host factors:
All ages & both sexes are susceptible
Occupation : Hunters, wood cutters whose occupation brings them in contact with forests are at risk of infection
Urbanization : In Africa, urbanization is leading to extension of Yellow fever.
• One attack of Y. fever gives life long immunity.
• Infants born of immune mothers have antibodies up to 6 months of life
Environmental factors :
• Temperature of >24 C is required for multiplication of the virus in mosquito
⁃ Humidity of > 60% for the mosquito to live
Mode of Transmission : 2 ways
Jungle y. fever (sylvatic cycle): vector for it is aedes africanus. The cycle of transmission is monkey- Mosquito- man.
Urban/rural Y. fever: vector is Aedes aegypti. The cycle of transmission is **Man-Mosquito- man(*
Period of communicability & Incubation period
Period of communicability = Blood of man is infective to mosquitoes during 3-4 days of illness, Once the mosquito becomes infective (10 days after an infective blood meal), it remains infective for the rest of natural life.
Incubation period : 3-6 days
• Preliminary diagnosis: the patient’s clinical features, places and dates of travel, and activities.
• Laboratory diagnosis: IgM and IgG antibodies by serologic assays
• Diagnostic tests: Indirect fluorescent antibody test, ELISA, and PCR
Treatment of y.fever
There is no specific anti-viral treatment for yellow fever, only supportive care to treat symptoms like fever and dehydration.
• 17D, a freeze- dried live attenuated vaccine.
• It is given S/C at the insertion of deltoid in a single dose of 0.5 ml.
• No given to children under one year of age.
• Immunity begins to appear on the day 7th and lasts for > 35 years.
• W.H.O recommends revaccination after 10 years for international travel.
In Libya
- Libya is a Yellow fever “Receptive area”
- The population of Libya is unvaccinated and susceptible to Y. fever.
- The vector is present
* The virus does not exist. - It is an exotic disease for Libya