Research Designs Flashcards
Research designs can be:
Qualitative research like:
Ground theory
Participatory action research (PAR)
Historical research
Quantitative can be
Primary: Interventional or observational
Secondary: systematic review + meta-analydid, systematic review+ narrative review
Primary research can be:
Interventional (Experimental)
Ke observational : analytic or descriptive
Types of interventional research:
Randomized control trial (RCT)
Non Randomized trial
Types of observational research
- Ecological/Correlational
- Case reports
- Case series
- Case cross -over reseach
- Cross sectional research
Other source:
• Cohort study: follows a group over time
• Case control study: compare diseased people (cases) vs healthy (control) to find risk factors
• Cross-sectional study: prevalence study (no respect for exposure or outcome)
Some point about Observational descriptive studies
• No hypothesis at start BUT by the end!
• No previous grouping of subjects according to disease or exposure status
Either: No comparison at all, Internal comparison groups, or same person (before -after) comparison
Other descriptive designs that may be considered as variations of case series type:
Test validation research
Agreement research
Test validation research is descriptive design that used in:
• Evaluation of test performance
• Comparing screening test with standard test
• Used to measure test validity and/or selecting appropriate cut off value
Agreements research used in:
Measuring agreement between two raters
Used to assess test reproducibility
True Experimental vs. Quasi-Experimental:
• always has control groups
• Randrom allocation of groups
• No randomization
• Any interventional study without control group
True Experimental or RCT can be:
Cross over design
Solomon four group design
Completely randomized design (CRD)
Randomized complete block design (RCB)
Nerrative review vs. Meta-analysis:
Nerrative: weakest, near to qualitative research
Meta-analysis: Strongest because confers statistical analysis.
Primary vs. Secondary research
Primary: new data, new results
Secondary: DATA are taken from Results of previous studies.
Research hypothesis:
It is the statistical assumption of difference of one variable between populations or association of variables in one population or effect of certain factor on certain phenomenon
Research hypothesis only applies on:
Analytical studies
Interventional studies