Respirator infections II (MMR) Flashcards
other name of measles and the agent factor
The Agent: Is a large enveloped RNA virus in the family Paramyxoviridae.
MEASLES Characterized by
fever, dry cough, coryza , conjunctivitis & the pathognomonic Koplik’s spots, which is followed by the typical morbilliform rash.
about measles
1. incubation period
2. Infectivity period
- incubation period = 1 - 2w
- Infectivity period = 4 before and 4 after the rash
about measles
carrier and reservoir
no carrier
and the human is the only host
can we give antibiotic for measles
no .. but we give for 2ry bac. infection
talk about WHO measles elimination strategy
- Keep up :Routine services aimed at vaccinating more than 95% of all newborns.
- Catch-up :a one time nationwide vaccination campaign targeting all children aged 9 months to 20 years.
- Follow up : a subsequent nationwide campaign conducted every 2-4 years targeting all children born after the catch up round.
about mumbs
1. incubation period
2. Infectivity period
- incubation period = 2 - 3w
- Infectivity period = 1w before and 2w after
agent factor of mumbs
The causative agent is a single stranded RNA virus belonging to the paramyxoviridae family.
common age of mumbs
- 5 -15 y is the common
- less than 2 y is rare
- in adult is uncommon but severe
why the controle of mumbs is difficult?
- The disease is infections before diagnosis can be made clinically
- The occurrence of subclinical cases .
- The long and variable IP
the agent factor of RUBELLA
RUBELLA is charactarized by
fever, lymphadenopathy & maculo-papular rash
if in pregnant it may cause serious congenital defects (Congenital Rubella Syndrome CRS)
1. incubation period
2. Infectivity period
- incubation period = 2 - 3w
- Infectivity period = 5 before and 5 after
clinical feature of RUBELLA
Prodromal illness
Absent in young children, but in adult may have short period of mild fever, malaise, enlarged , tender ( post auricular & and posterior cervical) lymph glands. -
Discrete, rose-pink macules, appear first on the face and neck, then spread to trunk and limbs within 24 hr and rapidly fades in order of appearance. -
Often in adults especially young women last for weeks