EPI Flashcards
Im may 1974 the WHO officially launched a global immunization program known as :
Expanded program of immunization (EPI)
Purpose of EPI
• to protect all children of the world against some of the vaccine preventable diseases
• to reduce morbidity and mortality form these targeted diseases
The WHO EPI schedule strongly recommended the vaccination against:
TB, Polio, Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and measles.
New vaccines now added: HBV, MMR, Hib & meningitis vaccines
Vaccination is not contraindicated in
Children with malnutrition
Low grade fever
Mild respiratory infection or diarrhea or any other minor illnesses.
What is cold chain
The cold chain involves regulation so as to keep the vaccine potent, in a cold condition during transportation from the place of manufacturer to the consumer, including storage.
Components of cold chain
• Responsible personnel
• Equipment and to store and transport vaccines
All vaccines should be stored at (……..), except oral polio vaccine stored at (…….) at the central level.
+2 to +8C
-20C to +8C
Vaccines that could be allowd to freeze
Polio (sensitive to heat)
Measles, MMR
Vaccines that must be stored in a cold temperature, but not to be frozen
Different level of health care system need Different equipment:
• Central and regional stores need : cold room, freezers, refrigerator and cold boxes
• District stores need :freezer, refrigerators and cold boxes
• Health Centers need: refrigerator, cold boxes, and vaccin carriers.
Toold for monitoring cold chain:
Vaccine vial monitor (VVM)
Vaccine cold chain monitor
Freeze watch indicator
Shake test
Vaccine refrigerator have two sections
• The main section for storing vaccines and diluents (+2C to +8C)
• the freezer for freezing ice packs (below 0C)
Yiu should put vaccines and diluents on the top and middle shelves of the main section:
• OPV and Measles vaccine on the top shelf.
• BCG, DPT, TT, HB vaccine on the middle shelf
• Diluents next ti the vaccine which it is supplied
What damages the vaccine
Heat (OPV)
Sunlight (BCG)
Freezing damage killed and toxoid vaccines (DPT, HB)
Usage after the expiry date
Can put the vaccine on the door shelves?
No, the temperature is not low enough
Vaccines at birth
Hepatitis B
Vaccines at 2 months
ROTA virus
4 months vaccines
ROTA virus
Vaccines at 6 months
Rota virus
Vaccines at 9 months
Meningococcal A,C,Y,W135 Conjugate
12 months vaccines
Meningococcal A,C,Y,W135 conjugate
Vaccines at 18 months
Pentavaccine (DTaP+ IPV+ HiB)
School age vaccines (6y):
Meningococcal A,C,Y,W135 Conjugate
Tetravalent vaccine (TdsP+IPV)
12y female vaccines:
15y vaccine
Meningococcal A……