脏腑之证:肺脾胃 ZF Patterns: LU SP ST Flashcards
Slight shortness of breath, slight cough, weak voice, spontaneous daytime sweating, dislike of speaking, bright-pale complexion, propensity to catch colds, tiredness, dislike of cold; T: pale; P: Empty, especially on the right front position
LU Qi Deficiency
Cough that is dry or with scanty sticky sputum, weak and/or hoarse voice, dry mouth and throat, tickly throat, tiredness, dislike of speaking, thin body or thin chest, night sweating; T: normal colored, dry without coat (or with
LU Yin deficiency
Dry cough, dry skin, dry throat, dry mouth, thirst, hoarse voice; T: dry; P: Empty, especially on the right front position
LU dryness
Aversion to cold, fever, cough, itchy throat, slight breathlessness, stuffed/blocked or runny nose with clear watery discharge, sneezing, occipital headache, body aches; T: thin white coat; P: Floating, Tight
LU Wind cold
Aversion to cold, fever, cough, sore throat, stuffed/blocked or runny nose with yellow discharge, headache, body aches, slight sweating, slight thirst, swollen tonsils, sneezing; T: slightly red on the sides in the chest areas or on the Front part; P: Floating, Rapid
LU Wind heat
Sudden swelling of eyes and face gradually spreading to the whole body, bright, shiny complexion, scanty and pale urination, aversion to wind, fever, cough, slight breathlessness
T: sticky white coat; P: Floating, Slippery
LU Wind Water
Cough, slight breathlessness, feeling of heat, chest ache, flaring of nostrils, thirst, red face; T: red with yellow coat; P: Overflowing, Rapid
LU Heat
Dry cough with occasional difficult expectoration of scanty sputum, shortness of breath, a feeling of oppression in the chest, scanty phlegm in the throat, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head, dizziness, dry throat, wheezing, pasty, dry complexion; T: swollen with a dry sticky coat; P: Fine, Slippery
LU Dry Phlegm
Cough with expectoration of white watery sputum, breathlessness, splashing sound in the chest, vomiting of white watery frothy sputum, a feeling of oppression in the chest, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head, dizziness, a feeling of cold, coughing that may be elicited by a scare; T: pale with thick sticky white coat; P: Fine, Slippery or Soggy or Wiry
Phlegm Fluids Obstructing the LU
Chronic cough coming in bouts with profuse white sticky sputum that is easy to expectorate, pasty- white complexion, a feeling of oppression in the chest, phlegm in the throat, shortness of breath, dislike of lying down, wheezing, nausea, a feeling of heaviness, muzziness and dizziness of the head; T: swollen with a sticky white coat; P: Slippery or Soggy
LU Damp Phlegm
Cough with expectoration of white watery sputum aggravated by exposure to cold, feeling cold, cold hands, phlegm in the throat, dizziness, a feeling of oppression in the chest, a feeling of cold in the chest, a feeling of heaviness, muzziness and dizziness of the head; T: swollen and wet with a sticky white coat; P: Slippery, Slow
LU Cold Phlegm
Barking cough with profuse sticky yellow or green sputum, shortness of breath, wheezing, a feeling of oppression in the chest, phlegm in the throat, feeling of heat, thirst, insomnia, agitation, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head, dizziness; T: red, swollen with a sticky yellow coat P: Slippery, Rapid
LU Phlegm Heat
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, desire to lie down, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, tendency towards obesity; T: pale; P: Empty
SP Qi Deficiency
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, desire to lie down curled up, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, a tendency towards obesity, a feeling of cold, cold limbs, edema; T: pale and wet; P: Deep, Weak
SP yang deficiency
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, tendency towards obesity, a bearing, down sensation in the abdomen, prolapse of stomach, uterus, anus or bladder, frequency and urgency of urination, menorrhagia; T: pale; P: Weak; when Stomach is prolapsed, this can be felt on the middle right position of the pulse
SP Qi sinking