六经辨证 Shang Han 6 Level Patterns Flashcards
Tai Yang Wind Attack
太阳病,发热,汗出,恶风,脉缓者,名为中风 Fever, aversion to cold, aches in the body, sweating, stiff neck, headache, T: Thin, white coating P: Superficial, Moderate
Tai Yang Cold Attack
太阳病,或已发热,或未发热,必恶寒,体痛,呕逆,脉阴阳俱紧者,名曰伤寒 Fever, aversion to cold, stiff neck, headache, severe pain in the body, no sweating, shortness of breath T:Thin, white coating P: Superficial, Tight
Yang Ming Channel Pattern
阳明气分热盛 4 Bigs: Fever, thirst, sweating pulse: High fever, profuse sweating, aversion to heat, thirst with a desire to drink cold water, red face, restlessness. Red tongue + yellow coating surging rapid pulse 白虎汤之类
Yang Ming Organ Pattern
阳明之为病,胃家实也: High fever which is worse in the afternoon, profuse sweating, constipation, thirst with a desire to drink cold water, fullness and pain in the abdomen which becomes worse on pressure, restlessness and irritability, in severe cases delirium, Red tongue and a dry, yellow or black coating; deep, excess pulse. 大小承气汤,调味承气汤,麻子仁丸等
Shao Yang Pattern
少阳之为病,口苦、咽干、目眩也 Alternation of chills and fever, fullness of the costal and hypochondriac regions, lack of appetite, irritability, dry throat, nausea, bitter taste, blurred vision, White-slippery
tongue coating on the side only, String-taut/wiry or deep and tight pulse.
Tai Yin Pattern
太阴之为病,腹满而吐,食不下,自利益甚,时腹自痛。若下之,必胸下结硬 Abdominal fullness, vomiting, no appetite, diarrhea, absence of thirst, pale tongue, deep, slow pulse 四逆类方
Shao Yin Cold transformation (KD yang def.)
少阴之为病,脉微细,但欲寐也 Chills, aversion to cold, listlessness, lethargy, cold limbs, diarrhea, no thirst or desire to drink warm fluids, abundant-pale urine. Pale tongue, deep thready pulse. 麻黄附子甘草汤,麻黄附子细辛汤,四逆散等
Shao Yin Heat transformation (KD yin def. )
少阴病,得之二三日以上,心中烦,不得卧,黄连阿胶汤主之 Fever, irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat, scanty-dark urine. Red tongue peeled coat, thready, rapid pulse.
Jue Yin Pattern
厥阴之为病,消渴,气上撞心,心中疼热,饥而不欲食,食则吐蛔,下之利不止 Thirst, feeling of energy rising to the chest, pain and feeling of heat in the chest, feeling of hunger with no desire to eat, cold limbs, diarrhea and vomiting. Tongue with red thorns or Slippery white coat. Pulse is deep and string-taught/wiry.