奇恒之府 Extraordinary Organs Flashcards
The 6 Extraordinary Yang Organs (3B UMG)
Brain, Bone, Blood Vessels, Uterus, Marrow, Gallbladder
What Makes these organs “extraordinary”?
They function like a Yin organ (i.e. storing Yin essence and not excreting), but have the shape of a Yang organ (i.e. hollow)
Functionally the extraordinary organs are related to what?
Functionally, they are all directly or indirectly related to the Kidneys
Uterus Functions
It has the function of regulating menstruation, conception and pregnancy.
The Uterus is most closely related to what three things
Most closely related to the Kidneys. the Directing Vessel (Ren Mai) and the Penetrating Vessel (Chong Mai)
The Uterus was called what in Chinese Medicine
“Zi Bao” 子胞
How are the kidneys connected to the uterus?
The Uterus is connected to the Kidneys via a channel called the Uterus Channel (Bao Luo)
How is the heart connected to the uterus?
The Uterus is connected to the Heart via a channel called the Uterus Vessel (Bao Mai)
The Brain is called the “sea of………”
Sea of Marrow
The Brains functions are
It controls intelligence, it is the Sea of Marrow and controls sight, hearing. smell and taste
Li Shi Zhen said the Brain is the palace of…..
The Brain is the Palace of the ‘Original Shen’
What creates Marrow
The Kidney-Essence is the origin of Marrow but the Post-Heaven Qi also plays a role in its formation
Marrow Functions
It fills the bones, it contributes to making Blood, it nourishes the Brain
Bones are compared to what in the Nei Jing?
The Bones were compared to a ‘trunk’ in the Nei Jing
Bone functions
The Bones are the structural framework of the body. The Bones are the cavity that houses Marrow and are functionally related to the Kidneys
Blood Vessels are primarily influenced by the what?
Blood Vessels are primarily influenced by the Heart
Functions of Blood Vessels
Blood Vessels house Blood and are the vehicle for the circulation of Qi and Blood; they transport the refined food essences, Qi and Blood all over the body
Why is the Gallbladder considered an extraordinary yang organ?
The Gall Bladder is considered an Extraordinary Yang Organ because, unlike other Yang organs. it stores a ‘pure’ substance (bile) and does not deal with food, drink or waste products
what is the main significance of the Gall Bladder being one of the Extraordinary Yang Organs?
The main significance is on a psychological level: the Gall Bladder affects our capacity of making decisions and our courage to act on them
The Four Seas are:
Sea of Qi: Danzhong
Sea of Food: ST
Sea of Blood/ sea of 12 vessels : Chong Mai
Sea of Marrow: Brain
Points of the Four Seas are:
- Sea of Food: ST-30 Qichong (upper) and ST-36 Zusanli (lower)
- Sea of Blood: BL-11 Dashu (upper) and ST-37 Shangjuxu and ST-39 Xiajuxu (lower)
- Sea of Qi: Du-15 Yamen and Du-14 Dazhui (upper) and ST-9 Renying (front); also Ren-17 Shanzhong
- Sea of Marrow: Du-20 Baihui (upper) and Du-16 Fengfu (lower).