气血津液辩证 Qi Blood Body Fluid Patterns Flashcards
Qi Deficiency S/S
Breathlessness, weak voice, spontaneous sweating, no appetite, tiredness, loose stools,
tiredness P: empty pulse
Qi sinking S/S
Feeling of bearing down, tiredness, listlessness, mental depression, prolapse of organs. P: empty
Qi Stagnation S/S
Feeling of distentions, distending pain that moves from place to place, abdominal masses that appear and disappear, mental depression, irritability, gloomy feeling, frequent mood swings, frequent sighing P: string taught (wiry) or tight T: normal or slightly purple on sides
Blood Deficieny S/S
Sallow complexion, pale lips, dizziness, poor memory, numbness, blurred vision, insomnia, dry hair, thin body, tiredness, scanty/late periods T: pale, dry P: Thin, Choppy
Blood Stasis S/S
Dark complexion, purple lips, boring/fixed/stabbing pain, abdominal masses that don’t move, purple nails, dark blood with clots P: wiry, hesitant/choppy T: Purple, possibly with purple spots
Yang Deficiency S/S
Chills, cold limbs, listlessness, lassitude, spontaneous sweats, absence of thirst or desire for warm drinks, frequent pale urination, loose stools, T; pale wet swollen scalloped P: thready weak deep slow
Yin deficiency S/S
Afternoon fever, malar flush, heat sensation in palms, night sweats, dryness of throat and mouth, yellow urine, dry stools T: red without coating or geographical or without root P: superficial and empty or thready and rapid
Causes of Blood Stasis
Qi Stag., Qi deficiency, blood heat, blood deficiency, Internal cold
Causes of Blood Deficiency
SP, LV, KD deficiency
Causes of Qi stagnation:
Qi stagnation may be caused by emotional strain, irregular eating, excessive physical work or lack of exercise. Emotional strain is the most common cause of Qi stagnation in Western patients
Blood deficiency can lead to…
LV yang rising, LV wind, Dryness (which can further develop into wind in the skin)
Organ most commonly affected by Qi Stagnation?
Organ most commonly affected by blood stasis?
Pathological patterns of body fluids are:
Edema, Dryness, Phlegm
Causes of body fluid deficiency
Irregular eating, eating drying foods, yin deficiency, heavy blood loss, sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, severe/chronic blood deficiency.
Deficiency of fluids mostly affect which organs?
Lungs, Stomach, Kidneys and Large Intestines
Causes of Edema
Lungs not diffusing and descending fluids, Spleen not transforming and transporting, Kidneys not Transforming and excreting fluids. (also qi stag and dampness)
Edema caused by LU deficiency usually affects what part of the body?
The upper part of the body (face, hands)
Edema caused by SP deficiency usually affects what part of the body?
The middle part of the body (abdomen/ ascites: the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling) and limbs
Edema caused by KD deficiency usually affects what part of the body?
The lower part of the body ( legs, ankles)
What is non-substantial phlegm?
Phlegm that is not seen i.e. under the skin, in the channels, misting the HT, in the GB or KD, in the Joints
Common types of phlegm
Damp phlegm, phlegm heat, phlegm-fluids, qi-phlegm, cold-phlegm, wind-phlegm.
Phlegm under the skin manifests as?
This takes the form of lumps under the skin (although not all lumps are due to Phlegm), including nerve ganglia swellings, swelling of lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), swelling of the thyroid and lipomas.
Phlegm in the channels manifests as what?
Phlegm in the channels is not visible as a swelling, but it causes numbness.
Phlegm misting the HT manifests as what?
In severe cases, this gives rise to some types of mental illness such as schizophrenia and manic depression, and also to epilepsy. However, Phlegm misting the Mind may also occur in milder forms causing mental confusion, depression. or anxiety.
Phlegm in the GB or KD can manifest as what?
Gall bladder or kidney stones are considered to be a form of Phlegm
Phlegm in the joints manifests as what?
The bone deformities that occur in chronic rheumatoid arthritis or other bone growths
Damp phlegm manifests as what?
This is manifested with expectoration of very profuse phlegm that is white. sticky and relatively easy to expectorate, a feeling of oppression of the chest and epigastrium. nausea, a sticky taste, absence of thirst, a Swollen tongue with a sticky tongue coating and a Slippery pulse.
Phlegm heat manifests as what?
This is manifested with expectoration of sticky yellow phlegm. a feeling of oppression of the chest. nausea, a red face, dry mouth , restlessness, a Red and Swollen tongue with sticky yellow coating and a Rapid-Slippery pulse.
Cold Phlegm manifests as what
This is manifested with expectoration of white, watery phlegm, a feeling of oppression of the chest, cold limbs, nausea, a Pale and Swollen tongue with white, wet coating and a Deep-Slippery-Slow pulse
Wind Phlegm manifests as what?
wind stroke: This causes dizziness, nausea, vomiting, numbness of the limbs (especially unilateral). coughing up of phlegm, a feeling of oppression of the chest, a rattling sound in the throat and aphasia, a Swollen and Deviated tongue with sticky coating and a Wiry pulse
Qi Phlegm manifests as what?
a feeling of swelling in the throat (but no actual swelling), a difficulty in swallowing, a feeling of oppression of chest and diaphragm, irritability, moodiness, depression and a Wiry pulse (emotional problems)
Phlegm Fluids 痰饮manifests as what?
Located in different parts of the body, this is a type of substantial Phlegm characterized by white, very watery and thin sputum. It can sometimes actually be heard splashing in the body.
Four types of Phlegm Fluids
痰饮 phlegm fluids in the ST and LI/SI,悬饮 suspended fluids in the hypochondrium、溢饮 flooding fluids in the limbs and under the skin、支饮 prodding fluids in the chest/lungs
Phlegm-Fluids in Stomach and Intestines
This is called 痰饮 in Chinese, meaning ‘phlegm and fluids’. This is manifested with abdominal fullness and distension, vomiting of watery fluids, a dry tongue and mouth without a desire to drink, a splashing sound in the stomach, a feeling of fullness of the chest, loose stools, loss of weight, a Deep-Slippery or Wiry pulse and a Swollen tongue with sticky coating.
Phlegm-Fluids in the hypochondrium
his is called 悬饮 in Chinese, meaning ‘suspended fluids’. This is manifested with hypochondria! pain that is worse on coughing and breathing, a feeling of distension of the hypochondrium, shortness of breath, a Swollen tongue with a sticky coating and a Deep-Wiry pulse.
Phlegm-Fluids in the limbs
This is called 溢饮 in Chinese, meaning ‘flooding fluids’. This is manifested with a feeling of heaviness of the body, a pain in the muscles, absence of sweating, lack of desire to drink, a cough with abundant white sputum, a Swollen tongue with a sticky white coating and a Wiry pulse.
Phlegm-Fluids above the diaphragm
This is called 支饮 in Chinese, meaning ‘prodding fluids’. This is manifested with a cough, asthma, oedema, a feeling of oppression of the chest, dizziness, abundant white sputum, a Swollen tongue with a sticky, thick, white coating and a Wiry pulse. All the symptoms are aggravated by exposure to cold.