脉诊 Pulse Diagnosis: Pulse Combinations Flashcards
Floating + moderate
Wind damp
Floating + Empty
Summer Heat Damage
Floating + Slippery
Wind-phlegm or food retention
Floating + rapid
Wind heat
Floating + Hollow
Blood loss
Floating + Choppy
Blood damage
Floating + tense
Wind cold
Floating + Surging, Big
External Summer Heat
Deep + Slow
Interior Cold
Deep + Rapid
Interior Heat
Deep + Moderate
Deep + Confined
Cold accumulation
Deep + Wiry
Swelling with pain, LV QI stag
Deep + Tight
Cold Pain
Deep + Slippery
Phlegm and Food Accumulation
Deep + Choppy
Depression of Qi, Blood stasis
Slow + Floating
Exterior Cold
Slow + Deep
Interior Cold
Slow + Slippery
Phlegm, Food
Slow + Thin
Yang debility
Slow + Wiry
Accumulation pain
Slow + Moderate
Slow + Choppy
Blood deficiency
Rapid + Surging
Exuberant Yang excess heat