望诊Diagnosis: Observation Flashcards
Face Color Red: Whole face red
Excess Heat
Face Color Red: Red cheekbones (malar flush) + tidal fever, night sweating
Deficiency Heat
Face Color White: Dull White
Blood Deficiency
Face Color White: Bright White
Yang Deficiency
Face Color White: Bluish White
Excessive Cold
Face Color Yellow: Sallow Yellow
SP/ST deficiency or Blood Deficiency
Face Color Yellow: Smoky Dull Yellow
Damp Heat
Face Color Yellow: Dull Pale Yellow
Cold Damp in SP/ST
Face Color Yellow: Ash Like Yellow
Long Standing Damp
Face Color Yellow: Clear and Moist Yellow In between eyebrows
ST qi recovering after illness
Face Color Yellow: Dried up and withered looking in between eyebrows
Poor prognosis
Face Color Yellow: Entire body (Yang type: bright orange I Yin type: smoky dark)
Face Color Green: Green Face
LV patterns, Interior Cold, Pain or LV Wind
Face Color Green: Green complexion with red eyes
LV fire
Face Color Green: Green color on nose
Qi Stagnation
Face Color Green: Dark Reddish-Green Complexion
LV Qi stagnation turning into heat
Face Color Blue: White-blue
Chronic pain, cold
Face Color Blue: Dull Blue
Severe heart yang deficiency
Face Color Blue: Blue-purple face and lips pain in chest
Heart blood stasis
Face Color Blue: Blue-purplish face & lips + high fever, violent movement of limbs
LV wind (infantile convulsion)
Face Color Black:
Cold, Pain, or KD disease (esp. KD Yin def.)
Face Color Black: Dark complexion without brightness + scaly skin
Prolonged blood stasis
Eye Signs: Dull White Corners
Eye Signs: Pale White Corners
Blood Deficiency
Eye Signs: Red Sclera
LU heat
Eye Signs: Yellow Sclera
Damp Heat
Eye Signs: Whole eye red painful swollen
LV Fire /Wind heat
Eye Signs: Swelling under eyes
KD deficiency
Eye Signs: Grey and scattered spots like clouds
Iinjuries causing Qi stagnation
Eye Signs: Black spots surrounded by a grey, cloud-like halo
Both Qi and Blood injuries
Eye Signs: Red, clearly visible, spiral shaped veins
Correspondence of Eye area to Organs:
Corner-Heart Upper eyelid- Spleen Lower eyelid -Stomach Sclera- Lung Iris- Liver Pupil -Kidney
Limbs : Swelling
Damp Bi; Damp-Heat Joints red and hot to touch; Damp Bi against a background of LV Blood deficiency
Limbs: Edema
LU Yang deficiency: Pitting edema of the hands
KD Yang deficiency: Pitting edema of the feet
SP Yang deficiency: Pitting edema of the four limbs Dampness: Edema of the four limbs (Damp-Heat or Damp-Cold)
Qi stagnation: Edema of the four limbs (non-pitting)
Wind-Water invading LU: Acute edema of the hands and face
Bluish venules : ST Cold
Bluish and short venules : Empty pattern
Red venules : ST Heat
Purple venules : ST Blood stasis
Skin Signs: Papules
Heat in LU/ST
Papulesare elevated lesions usually
Skin Signs: Macules
Blood level disharmony (Red: Blood-Heat I Purple: Blood stasis I Bluish: Blood-Cold)
(Maculesare flat, nonpalpable lesions usually<10 mm in diameter. Chang in color)
Skin Signs: Vesicles
Vesiclesare small, clear, fluid-filled blisters
Dry Skin
LV Blood Deficiency
Itching Skin (Pruritus )
Skin Plagues
Plaquesare palpable lesions>10 mm in diameter that are elevated or depressed compared to the skin surface. Plaques may be flat topped or rounded. Lesions ofpsoriasisandgranuloma annularecommonly form plaques.
Nodulesare firm papules or lesions that extend into the dermis or subcutaneous tissue. Examples includecysts,lipomas, andfibromas.
Bullaeare clear fluid-filled blisters>10 mm in diameter. These may be caused by burns, bites,irritant contact dermatitisorallergic contact dermatitis, and drug reactions.
Pustulesare vesicles that contain pus.
Urticaria(wheals or hives) is characterized by ELEVATED LESIONS caused by localized edema. Wheals are pruritic (ITCHY) and red
Purpurais a larger area of hemorrhage that may be palpable.
Ulcersresult from loss of the epidermis and at least part of the dermis.
Erosionsare open areas of skin that result from loss of part or all of the epidermis
Rash is a general term for a temporary skin eruption