Yeoman farmers Flashcards
Farmed traditionally
Like in the north (but lived in the south)
Did not own
Most people of the south didn’t own slaves
Hoped to one day
Buy their own property
Crops they farmed
Sometimes tobacco
Large herd pf cattle let loose into fields to be fattened up
Led more isolated lives
Population in south was smaller
Towns less dense
More remote life to those in the north
Religion was important
Highlight of social calendar
Evangelical revival
Southern economic system
Put limits on their improvement
Planters had the best land
Lacked slave labour
Couldn’t compete with slaveholders because not enough crops were produced
Small internal market
In the south
Suffered from
Constant shortages of money
Could not afford the same luxuries as the planters
Respected the
Planters as the highest in society
Agreed with
Knew they would have to compete with free blacks if slavery wasn’t a thing
Race hid class differences