The cult of true womanhood Flashcards
“The cult of true womanhood” concept
Article written by Barbara Welter in the 1960s
Proclaimed class characteristics
The image of the ideal or true woman repeated in 19thC literature
True womanhood operated like
A religion or a cult
Ideology was repeated so often it mimicked pastors discussing God
Welter argued the cult of true womanhood had 4 virtues
Core of woman’s virtue
Natural to women
Intellectual pursuits would lead women away from the home
Role of the church (piety)
Women given the power to redirect religion onto unruly men
Religion was valued because it didn’t take women away from the home
Church work did not make a woman less dependent
Maintenance of sexual virtue kept women from becoming fallen
Marriage night, bestowing greatest pleasure on her husband
Loss of purity
Women were expected to defend purity against men - believed to be more sensual than women
Led to the loss of women’s true power over men
Resistance to desire of men threatened submissiveness
Maintenance of sexual purity explored in
Harriet Jacob’s narrative
She hides from the Doctor/chooses who to give her virtue to
Women could only submit to their husbands (not just any man)
“Perpetual childhood”
Possessions of a more powerful, dominant man
1854 lecture explained
Women’s true submissiveness
“It is enough that she is effeminate and weak”
Image of the ideal woman in her place the home
Religion backed this, bringing men back to God in the home
Mission to produce moral and social reforms, beginning in the home
Patriotism (domesticity)
Installed in the home by men
Women expected to show patriotism by staying home
Women not allowed to vote, would increase confusion and not affect the result - would only vote for who they had been told to (by husbands or fathers)
Women were not virtuous
Needed independence to be virtuous
Home needed to be
Pleasant and cheerful
Meant men would not find fun in other places
A good wife
Responded obediently
Welter suggested the true womanhood
Carried the seeds for its own destruction
Women’s attitudes was not preventing society from crumbling - men’s actions caused this
Harriet Jacobs wrote on the
4 sections of true womanhood
To challenge her readership
To make readership take action against the separate spheres of society
Cultural and intellectual history
Separation between men and women’s lives