Different white abolitionist groups Flashcards
Legal manoeuvres did not arise on their own
Pushing into forefront by free blacks/supportive whites
Protestant religious sect, moved to US to escape persecution
Political leaders attempted to put religious beliefs into the political system
Opposed violence
Quakers were from
William Penn settled the colony there
Quakers 1775
Dropped out of politics due to fighting with Natives
Quakers governmental politics withdrawal
Many saw themselves as the conscious of the republic
Quakers opposed slavery
First society to ban slaveholding
Created decrees to help emancipation
Quakers in the 19thC
Participated in abolitionist movement
Quaker women were 40% of female abolitionists
The American Colonisation Society 1817 (TACS)
Presbyterian minister Robert Finley founded it
TACS was typical of societies at the time
Banned slavery
Concerned with social order
TACS wanted
Ex-slaves to emigrate back to Africa
To prevent racial arguments
TACS advocated for
Gradual and voluntary end to slavery
TACS 1822
Established colony in Africa called Monrovia (named after James Monroe the US president)
Settled 12000 African Americans there
Used dollars and cents as currency
TACS colony appealed
To slaveholders
Could serve as a way to deport free blacks who were problematic to the plantations
High degree of support in the south
TACS colony served as
An opening into abolition
Other abolitionist views tended to be more radical
Lincoln was a member
The American Anti-Slavery Society, 1833 (TAASS)
Radical voices speaking out against colonisationists
Spoke out against colonies
TAASS and William Lloyd Garrison
Garrison was recruited into anti-slavery by Quakers
Wrote a gradualist newspaper
TAASS and The Liberator
Newspaper by Garrison
Became the public champion of immediate abolition of slavery
TAASS refused to
Deport ex-slaves
Reimburse slaveholders (were paid for the slaves they freed to the colony)
TAASS was an
Umbrella group of affiliated societies
TAASS 1850
200,000 white abolitionists in the north