King Cotton of the South Flashcards
North moved into urban industrialisation
South stuck to commercial agriculture
Climate in the South was hot
Perfect for growing crops
First cash crop was tobacco
Late 18thC, tobacco growing in other places in the world
Meant prices were down on the crop
Led planters to speculate whether slavery was profitable enough
Cotton introduction changed this
Colonists first cultivated cotton
Increased produce during American Revolution
Expansion of textile industry in England meant
Increased demand for cotton
Short stipple cotton full of seed
Difficult to get out
1798, solved the problem by inventing the cotton gin
Machine that separated cotton fibres from seeds
Using the cotton gin could get
50% more cotton seedless than a person with a brush
Cotton production quickly became profitable
Cotton was the nation’s most profitable produce
Prior to civil war
By 1840s, US was producing more than 60% of the world’s cotton
Cotton crop comprised more than half of US’s
Total value of commercial exports
1860 South secession from Union
Made it the 4th riches country in the world
Cotton production aided
By the commercialisation of cloth in the North
Used the South’s cotton
Couldn’t grow by itself
Needed the plantation system in order to thrive