WW2 test 1 Flashcards
Who did Japan invade and why?
Japan invaded Manchuria, China in 1831 for its raw materials that Japan was lacking
What approach to foreign trade did the USA take after WWI
The Spanish civil war was what 2 parties against each other, who made up the parties, and who supported each party.
Fascists vs. republicans, Fascists- monarchists and fascists and backed by Germany+ Italy, France the fascist leader seizes power.
Republicans- made up of pro-republicans and communists, backed by the USSR, Britain, French citizens, and the U.S
When does Hitler test drive the Luftwaffe, and what is the Luftwaffe
He test drove it in the Spanish civil war and the Luftwaffe means the German military
Where does Germany invade in 1936, against the treaty of Versailles
The Rhineland as part of the DMZ
What does Germany annex that creates a German superstate (in violation of the treaty of Versailles)
What does anschluss mean
Why does Germany want to annex the Sudetenland, and what is the Sudetenland
It is a piece of western Czechoslovakia Hitler claims is German (it belongs to him)
During what conference do the powers allow Hitler to annex the Sudetenland as long its the end of Nazi agression, and who are the powers
Munich confrence, Britain and France
Whats appeasement
Giving in to Hitlers demands to prevent war (countries were still recovering from the first world war)
Did appeasement work?
No, shortly after Germany annexed the rest of Czechoslovakia
what is the Nazi- Soviet pact, and another name, how long did it last, and what other country did it effect and why
Secret non-agression pact between Soviet union and Nazi Germany, they agreed to avoid war with eachother for 10 years, and another name is Molotov- Ribbon Pact, it effected Poland because it agreed to split Poland up into 2 when it was invaded a month later
Allied powers and leader
Franklin Roosevelt- U.S
Joseph Stalin- USSR
Charles de Gaulle- France
Winston Churchill (Neville chamberlain at the start of the war)- Britain
Axis powers and leaders
Adolf Hitler - Germany
Benito Mussolini - Italy
Hideki Tojo- Japan
Whats another word for fronts
Theaters of war
Whos impearlistic intentions led to war in the pacific
Lightning war relied on suprise to be effective it attacked many targets with overwhelming numbers to devastate the enemy
Who used Blitzkerieg and what were the 3 steps
Hitler used lightning war against Poland
1. attack with luftwaffe (air)
1a. frghters (air supweority)
1b. Stuka (dive bombers)
1c. bombers
- Panzers (tanks)
Hitler had advanced tanks that destroyed anything left behind by the luftwaffe
Goals- destroy communications, transportation, and military targets - infantry (troops)
Trained and ready troops cleaned up anything left
Was Blitzkrieg a new type of war or was it used before, and was it sucessfull
NEW, sucessful
Germany military specifically air force
German air superiority
German dive bombers
German tanks
German troops on the ground
Largest air battle
Battle of Britain
First Major German loss that forced Hitler to change his strategy
Battle of Britain
Describe Battle of Britain
Germany defeated France and moved onto Britain it was the largest air battle. July to November 1940 was won by the royal air force so the Nazis had their first defeat and Hitler had to change his strategy
Operation sea lion
code name for Nazi Germany planned invasion of Britain, started with daily bombardment of of the southern coast,
Neutrality acts
prohibited arms shipments to all belligerent countries, 36- forbid loans to all belligerents, 37- cash and carry principle all nations must pay for non military purchases and ship their goods in their own vessels, 39- prohibited americans from traveling on ships of belligerent nations, 40- lend lease program offered to Great Britain and U.S becomes arsenal of democracy
Selective service act
1940, authorized the federal government to temporarily expand the government through drafts, provided 1.2 million troops trained and 800,000 reserve troops a year
Atlantic charter
Meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill before the u.s was involved, it was a document that advocated for national self- determination and an international system of general security in Europe, overall plan to defeat the Nazis
How did German U-boat attacks affect the united states in terms of war
It made them angry and in more of a position to go to war
Operation Barbarosa
planned invasion of the soviet union which was the largest land invasion in world history, 3 million German soldiers invaded the soviet union
what are the 4 fronts of war
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
North Africa and Italy
The pacific ocean/Asia
miracle at Dunkirk
about 300,000 troops mainly British escaped across the English channel and anything they could find
After France surrendered in June 1940 if it was divided what happened to it
It was split into 2 , the North was controlled by the Nazis and the south was known as Vichy (puppet government)
Name the 4 series of events of the Eastern Front
Germany takes over the Studentenland, czechoslovakia, and divides Poland with the soviets
Italy invades Greece but needs help from Germany
Germany takes Yugoslavia
Hungary and Bulgaria join the axis powes
Operation Barbarossa (how many invaded, who invaded who, what were the losses like, the goals)
Stalin and the Soviets were unprepared as Hitler unleashed Biltzkreig on the Soviet union,
3 million soldiers invaded
Germnay wanted to takeover Moscow and Leningrad
Soviets suffer heavy losses
The German army struggles in the winter (tons froze to death)
Battle of Leningrad (how long, who invaded, damages)
2 1/2 year battle, but Germany was never able to takeover
Over 1 million citizens died
Stalin and Churchill finally agree to work together
Battle of Stalingrad (known for, effects for both side)
Known for close quarters combat (building to building fighting)
The soviets gained momentum and the Germans got slowed down (and never recovered)
One of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare
Battle of Stalingrad
Most Important battle in Eastern Europe
Battle of Stalingrad
Name the 6 events on the North Africa and Italy front
Italy invades Ethopia
The Italian army in Lybia invades Egypt (British colony)
Italy needed help: Hitler sent Rommel to help
Rommel drives the British all the way to Cairo (north Egypt) and becomes very successful
Eventually he British and the Americans drive the Germans out of North Africa
Allies invaded Sicily/Italy and brutal fighting took place in these areas
Who is Rommel, his origin country, nickname, where he was sent, and his scandall
Rommel is a successful German Field Marshall in the North African campain, nickname “the desert fox” , linked to a assassination attempt on Hitler
Who is Rommel, his origin country, nickname, where he was sent, and his scandall
Rommel is a successful German Field Marshall in the North African campain, nickname “the desert fox” , linked to a assassination attempt on Hitler
Operation torch AKA
Battle of Normandy, D-Day
Name the 6 events in pacific ocean/asia
Japan invades Manchuria
Japan Takes over eastern China
Japan took French indochina and the dutch east indies
Roosevelt passes an oil embargo against Japan
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
Japan takes over the philippines, Hong Kong, and Burma
After what Battle does the U.S gain momentum
Battle of midway
After what war was the turning point in the Pacific which led Americans to Island hop
Battle of Midway
What was island hopping
After pearl harbor Americans began working their way twards Japan thought he islands, island to island
What happened after Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
U.S declares war on Japan
Germany and Italy declare war on the u.s
Roosevelt delivered the “a date that will live in infamy” speech
Tehran Confrence
Meeting with the big 3 (stalin, roosevelt, and Churchill)
Stalin adressed Roosevelt about opening a second front
the three leaders agreed that operation overloard (D-Day) would take place in may
Invasion of Nazi France is also called (3 names)
Operation Torch
battle of Normandy
Largest amphibious invasion in history
D-Day (invasion of France)
How did the Germans respond to the invasion of France
They were slow to respond because they thought it was a trick,
What happened after D-day
the allies pushed back German forces by August the allies had liberated Paris and Hitler was forced into a full retreat
Battle of the Bulge
Germans were near collapse and launched a surprise offensive attack
Last major German offensive
They attacked a bulge in the allied line
Victory rested in group of allied soldiers in Bastogne and they hield the line until patton could arrive with reinforcements
What was the battle of the Bulge a symbol of
American military strength back home
“The Blitz”
Germans bombing London and other cities continuously for 2 months. The British became even more determined to defeat Hitler. Member of the Axis powers.
What was Soviet Union vs. Germany front
The slitzkrieg
German and French forces sitting and waiting foe one to make a move in the meantime churchill sends more soldiers
Ardennes is ….
a flooded area