Cold War Flashcards
Superpowers that emerged after world war two
United States in the soviet union
What caused division between us and soviet union
Reparations in germany and disagreements over types of government
According to truman what was the goal of the truman doctor
To support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures these totalitarian regimes coerced free peoples and we’re a threat to international peace and the national security of the united states
What were the two u s cold war policies
Us us policy of containment and stopping the spread of communism
What countries was the u s cold war policy originated to protect from becoming a communist country
Greece and turkey
How did the u s protect greece and turkey from communist regimes
Economic and military aid, 400 million specifically
Proxy wars
Wars fought indirectly
Who was Truman’s reference to during his speech to congress
The ussr
Iron curtain
Metaphor for the line dividing europe
The domino theory
If one country becomes communist its neighbors or perhaps the entire region would become communist
What term is associated with asia during the cold war
The domino theory
What countries fought to stop the domino theory from happening to them
korea and vietnam
The marshall plan is also known as
European recovery program ERP
The marshall plan
The American plan to rebuild European economies after world war two by using American aid
By providing aid and rebuilding the economies the US could STOP THE SPREAD OF COMMUNISM in europe and OTHER NAZI-TYPE DICTATORSHIPS which would create STABILITY and eventually, create NEW MARKETS
Goals of the marshall plan
- rebuilding a war devastated region
- remove trade barriers
- Modernize industry
- make europe prosperous again
Who was the marshall plan the idea of
George marshall the u s secretary of state under truman
Who was offered assistance by the u s and who declined
Eastern Europe and Stalin declined
Berlin airlift causes
- France, Britain and the US were secretly meeting to create West Germany
- They were also creating new money for west berliners
- Is trying to revive the economy in westborough land through the marshall plan
- Stalin did not want outside interference or influence
Is a Immediate effects of Stalins rule
Citizens lacked basic supply such as food which led to starvation lack of electricity and other resources
NATO aka
North Atlantic treaty organization
Long term effects of stalin’s bad rule
More contentiousness and creation of NATO
Likely to cause disagreements or argument
NATO was created by
United States, Canada, and several western European nations
NATO (goal & facts)
goal of providing collective security against Soviet Union (and communism)
first peacetime military alliance the u.s entered (besides Western Hemisphere)
first made up of 12 countries
now there are over 30 member countries
NATO was created in response to
the Berlin airlift and the USSR successful nuclear bomb testing
Warsaw pact
collective defense treaty by the Soviet Union and 7 other satellite states in central and eastern Europe
created in response to NATO
fall of Warsaw pact
after communism fell in eastern Europe and the USSR collapsed
satellite states
Soviet controlled them economically although not actually owned by the Soviet union
Members of Warsaw pact
Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania (Albania withdrew in 1968)
Military leader under Sun Yat-Sen
Chiang kai-shek
What did Chiang kai- Shek do
overthrew warlords and unified china
Allied power during WW2
Autocratic rule- loses confidence of the ppl
Communism in China
Gained control of northern china by the end of ww2
Mao Zedong became leader
Chiang kai- sheks autocratic rule fuled the movement
Communist revolution
communist party fought a civil war against nationalists and won
peoples public of China is established
Nationalist party fled to Taiwan (political opponents)
Truman doctrine in Taiwan
after communist rev. Chiang kai-shek is exiled to Taiwan
The u.s gave support to taiwan and recognized chiang kai-shek as leader of china
Taiwan, rather then China, has the UN security council seat
China under Mao Zedong
practice of Buddhism, Confucianism, and traditional beliefs discouraged
property and businesses seized and redistributed
opponents and middle class “bourgeoisie” are labeled counterrevolutionaries
C.R. are beaten, sent to labor camps, or killed
how does Dalai Lama escape to India
by disguising himself as a soldier
The great leap forward (cause, actions, and support of who)
attempt to address slow economic recovery after WW2
dendustrialization and a mandate to increase farm and industrial output via backyard factories, collectivization and efficiency communes
resulted in low quality goods, didnt improve food output and lowered individuals incentive
WIDESPREAD FAMINE and as many as 30 mil deaths
had support of the peasantry, small land holders, agricultural laborers of low social status
Cultural revolution
Political movement led by mao to purge the Communist party of its opponents and of “bourgeois” tendencies and make the proletariat the ideal
Mao cuts ties with Khrushchev (sino- Soviet split) because of the de-stalinization of the Soviet union and easing tension with the u.s
the working class or workers
Red gaurd
Formed during cultural revolution so that the young ppl could experience the rev.
Red book
200 quotes from chairmen Mao- tse-tung
Playing the China card
getting closer diplomatic relations with the PRC to pressure Soviets into becoming more malleable on issues (specifically arms agreements)
U.S wanted to isolate the soviet union between European NATO allies and Soviet-Hostile China and a inroad with vietnam
China wanted a anti-Soviet ally
Security council seat went back to communist China
Nixion visited Mao
Chairmen and Chinese communist revoultionare
Chiang Kai Shek
Chinese Nationalist politician, revolutionary, and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China in mainland China then went to Taiwan
Truman Doctrine
The u.s give support to countries in eastern Europe threatened by communist (Soviet) forces
Marshall plan
Gerorge Marshall proposed a plan to provide economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure of post-war Europe
Nikita Khrushchev
Mao cut ties with him during the cultural revolution in China. He ran the Soviet union after Stalin and led the soviet union the the later (and main) part of ww2
Maos great leap forward aimed to improve
Arg. and industry