Decolonization, Creation of New States, and Genocide Flashcards
Six day war
- Mainly Israel vs. Egypt and Jordan
- Israel defeated the Arabs
- became a distinguished military power in the region
- gained territory 4x its original size
What was the Palestinian Liberation Organization goal
- to lead the struggle against Israel
- destroy Israel
Who was the Palestinian Liberation Organization leader
Yasir Arafat
Who were the Palestinian Liberation Organization supporters
ppl who lost lands tot eh isrealies or ppl who fled their homes
camp david accords
- peace settlement between Israel and Egypt
- one of the first peace agreements between Israel and any of its neighbors
- Stated that
- Israeli military would withdraw from the Sinai peninsula
- Egypt would recognize Israels right to exist
Name 4 ways the PLO gained the worlds attention
- Hijacking planes
- kidnapping and killing some Israeli athletes (German summer Olympic games)
- Gurella warfare against Israeli army
- suicide bombers would strike where there were lots of ppl (bus stops, restaurants, stores etc)
How did Isreal react to the PLOs grasps at attention (3 ways)
- sealed off Palestinian towns
- destroyed homes of suicide bombers and their families
- targeted terrorist leaders and killed many Palestinians
What does PLO stand for
Palestinian Liberation Organization
Decolonization def
action or process of a state withdrawing from a former colony, leaving it independent
Reasons for decolonization (5)
- European powers got tired of fighting after ww2
- effective leadership of independence movements by native leaders
- pressure from u.s to decolonize or forefit aid
-nationalistic and education desires in Africa (ex Kenya) - The west realized they cant be hypocrites (they have to live up to their own values)
- Colonies began to cost more then their worth
Who was India ruled by before Sepoy rebellion (1958)
British East India Company
How did the Sepoy rebellion change power in India
It made it a colony ruled by Britain
Amritsar Massacre
- Amritsar was a city in northern India with high British v Indian tensions
- despite the ban on public meetings, a large peaceful crowd packed into an enclosed field to protest the arrest of nationalistic Independence leaders, while Indian leaders spoke British soldiers opened fire on the crowd
- furthered Indians want for self- rule
Gandhi history
came from a middle class Hindu family and studied law in England at 19 then went to Africa to fight discriminatory laws against Indians
nonviolence and respect for life (Gandhi)
Civil disobedience has been labeled to
examples of civil disobedience
boycotts, sitins, and marches
This phrase is tied to Gandhis methods of peaceful, nonviolent protests
passive resistance
The Salt March
Gandhi protested the British monopoly on salt by marching 240 miles to the sea
- he was arrested (but thousands of Indians followed his lead)
How did Britain react to the world outcry against them (relating to India)
He gave the Indians more power and met their demands
sole force
wanting change though peace
- passive
sole force
wanting change though peace
- passive
body force
wanting change thorough violence
What caused Britain to finally docolonize
many indians enlisted in the world wars and after ww2 the British coulnt resist Indian demands for Independence
What was the problem with Independence in India, and the resoulition?
It was split between Hindus and Muslims (2 completely different religions)
- Hindus were the majority and leaders from both sides wanted a united India but Muslims feared discrimination (against themselves) and demanded a new country (where Muslims were the majority) and Pakistan was created
Why were around 10 million people displaced/moved after British decolonization in India and why did over 1 million die on their way
Hindus living in Pakistan fled to India
Muslims living in India fled to Pakistan
Along the roads leading to Pakistan and India were members of each religious wanting to kill
Struggles for Kashmir
Kashmir was a state in the himalayans, it has a hindu leader but a muslim majority that wanted to join pakistan (still fighting between the 2 for Kashmir)
leader of the congress party who became the prime minister
- encouraged economic growth & social change
- food output grew
- set aside jobs and places in universities for dalits
people of the lower castes (social class)
they didnt want to be ruled by pakistan (Muslim) so (with help of India) they were able to form their won country
did India benefit from strong ledership early on
What 3 factors led to conflict in Iraq
oil wealth
Religious diversity (2 types of Muslims)
Ethnic conflict
What are the 2 types of Muslims in Iraq
Sunnis vs shittes
What event caused some to say there was a act of genocide going on in Iraq
The kurds tried to rebel and create their own homeland in northern Iraq and the Iraqi government responded brutally by using chemical weapons on the kurds
Events leading up to the Iraqi- Iranian war
Saddam Hussein came to power (ruled as a dictator)
About the same time, Iran has a revolution
With unrest in Iran Hussein decided to seize a disputed border area
which led to prolonged war
Who led the revolution in Iran
Ayatollah Khomeini
Why did the u.s send 500,000 troops to the Arabian desert in 1990
the Iraqis invaded the smaller but oil rich county of kuwait and the u.s. wanted to protect its oil interest in the region
The u.s joined with the U.N. and crushed the Iraqi military and drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait
1)Why did the U.S, Britain, and France set up no fly zones
2) who was it aimed at
3) what was the reaction
1) to protect the shittes and kurds and the U.N. worked to keep Hussein from creating WMD with his oil profits
2) Iraq and Hussein
3)they violated the no fly zones and didn’t comply with U.N. weapon inspectors
US forces defeat Hussein
President Bush accuses Hussein of supporting terrorist activity
- U.S and Britain joined to invade Iraq which defeated Iraqi army and occupied the country and it brought an end to Husseins reign
How did the people feel about the end of Husseins regime
some welcomed it and others resented foreign occupation
WMD stands for
weapons of mass destruction
OPEC stands for
the organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
What did OPEC do
allowed the co-operation of leading oil companies in order to collectively influence the global market and maximize profit
what was the name of the people in Iraq who resented foreign occupation
original members of OPEC
Saudi Arab, Iran, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela
how is OPEC relevant to the U.S.
in certain times (in the 60s-80s) OPEC nations restricted production or charged more per barrel in relation to the Arab-Israli crisis
Why did gas rises rise 350%
the economic turn down of the 1970s with the OPEC oil embargo which created major gas station lines or no gas at all in the U.S.
during the Arab-Israli crisis, where does most of the fighting occur
gaza strip, west band, and gohlan heights
The religious and government leader of Iran
The Ayatollah
Islamic law based on the teachings of the Koran
lowest tier of the Indian caste system
Muslim majority country created out of British India that was once called East Pakistan
North Indian province claimed by both India and Pakistan
country known for having a theorcracy
US sent 600,000 troops to help liberate Kuwait from Saddam Hussein and Iraq
Desert storm
Invaded Kuwait which brought in the U.S. and its allies
labeled homeland for the jews which led to numerous conflicts