Test 1 Flashcards
what is an absolute monarchy
where the king or queen had absolute power within their borders and wanted to control every aspect of society
Divine right of kings
Kings represented God on earth so people must obey without question
What were the benefits of absolute monarchy
clear decision maker, stability with clear leader in the future
disadvantages of absolute monarchy
lack of citizen participation, lack of citizen choice and right, infrequent/erratic change in leaders
Where did absolute monarchies want to control
- Government 2,Nobility 3. economics 4. power
T or F: The magma carter was meant to be temporary
Why did king Henry want to divorce his first wife, then what happened
she couldn’t have a son and he asked the pope to authorize a divorce and he wouldn’t so Henry made his own church to authorize his divorce
What happened to the crown after Jane died
It went to the son Edward but he had a childhood disease so he died soon after so it went to the first wife of Henry but she was catholic so it became a catholic nation
What happened to the crown after Jane died
It went to the son Edward but he had a childhood disease so he died soon after so it went to the first wife of Henry but she was catholic so it became a catholic nation
What happens after Elizabeth 1 dies
she has no heirs so it goes to James 1 of Scotland to become the english king
What did Charles 1 want to do with the goverment
He wanted to strengthen the monarchy at the expense of parliament and believed in the divine right of kings
What was the main cause of the English Civil war
Charles 1 tried to collect taxes without alerting the parliment
What was the petition of the right
a document created by parliament in attempt to limit the power of King Charles who was ruling without the consent of parliament
how did Charles 1 react to petition of the right
he ignored it
In the English civil war what was parliaments army called
New model army (roundheads)
In the English civil war what was kings army called
What book did John Locke write, what did it say
two treaties of government, every person was free and equal under the law of nature
What did John lock believe in (two things)
Natural rights, social contract theory (leader expected to fulfill rights without you giving them up)
What did Thomas Hobbes write
What government did Thomas Hobbes like
absolute monarchy
What was Thomas Hobbes social contract theory
Giving up right for the king
Whats another word for Age of reason
the enlightment
What was the Enlightment
it was based on observation and willingness to question what was already assumed especially questioning absolutism
What did the philosophies do
an enlightenment group in France that believed by using reason one could reform government, law, and society
Who was Montesquieu and what did he write
a influential thinker who studied the governments in Europe, he wrote spirit of the laws, he believed in dividing government up into 3 categories and the separation of power
Who was Rousseau and what book did he write
he WROTE the social contract saying that controls over society should be minimal and only freely elected officials could impose these controls
popular sovereignty
people ruled themselves (through representatives)
Rousseau theory of general will
Government is legit if it follows the general will of the people but if government places itself above law it loses all legitimacy
What did Mary Wollstonecraft believe/not believe in
the enlightenment slogan “free and equal” did not apply to women, she challenged these ideas by arguing being a mother is a women’s 1st duty but she should be able to make decisions independent from her husband
Who wrote “ a vindication of the rights of women”
Mary wollstonecraft
Popular sovereignty
The government is created by and subject to the will of the people
What big event caused Oliver Cromwell to come to power as a military dictator
English civil war
after Cromwell dies who restored the monarchy,
Charles ll
James l came to the throne after Elizabeth l and also authored a book explaining
divine right of absloute monarchy
Who wrote Leviathan and what did it say,
Thomas hobbes, it argues for a social contract and popular sovereignty
Whats was thomas hobbes view of humankind
they were evil and war bound and needed a monarch to control them and keep them in check
What was thomas hobbes social contract theory
you give up all your right to the king because he will then deliver your natural rights
who believed in tablu rusa and what did it say
John locke, everyone was born with a blank slate and was corrupted by society
what book did Montesquieu write and what was it about
Spirit of the laws, it was about checks and balances and the 3 types of goverment
Who wrote social contract theory and what did it say
Rousseau, people are born with certain rights and a leader is expected to fufill them
Who believed in general will of the people
Who wrote the vindication of the rights of a women.
Mary willstonecraft
who wrote life liberty and the persut of property
john locke