Agricultural revolution and industrial revolution Flashcards
How did Europe expand in the 18th century
internal growth (rising food production, population boom, expansion of industry)
External growth (global trade, empire building)
In 17th century economy what percent of population was peasant farmers
What was the 17th century economy
What agriculture system was used in 1650
open field system
What was the open field system
open land cut into strips for each family, no fences, common land for pasturing animals.
What were the problems with open field system
soil exhaustion (fields lie fallow), low output + periods of famine
During the arg. rev. why was enclosure important
crop yields and livestock output increased at the same time productivity increased enough to make a surplus of labor.
What did the agricultural revolution change in farming systems
Crop rotation, enclosure/fencing
Consequences of Arg. rev.
Much more food
rise of market/ oriented estate agriculture
proletarianization ( landless peasants )
What were proletarianization (arg. rev)
landless peasants
Who were the leaders of the arg. rev.
Low countries first and England second
Why were the low countries first in the arg rev.
densely populated
growth of urban areas
the dutch use innovative drainage systems
What did Cornelius Vermugden (dutch ) do
Why was there a population explosion in 18th century
decline in mortality b/c famine was fixed by new canals and roads enabled food transport; new foods (potatoes) Disease: Bubonic plague disappeared and sanitation was improved and war was less destructive
Whats cottage industry
manufacturing with hand tools in peasant homes
What was the putting out system and what was it apart of
cottage industry; merchant capitalists “put out” raw materials to cottage workers who returned finished products to the merchant, it usually involved families in rural areas producing items in their homes especially textiles
Describe the 1st part of the industrial revolution
it began around 1780- characterized by
the use of coal
development of iron making techniques
mechanism of the textile industry
the use of steam power
use of railways
improved canals
improves steam power ships
interchangeable parts
Describe the 2nd part of industrial revolution
began around 1850- characterized by
internal combustion engine
electrical power
steel producing
Name 5 factors that allowed Britain lead the revolution
- Natural and Human resources
- Technological inventions
- Demand for goods due to increased population
- access to capital and political standards ( no revolts)
Whats capital
Things used to start a business
Where did the industrial revolution start and and where did it spread to
Started in Britain and spread to Europe and the us and eventually worldwide
Economic results of the industrial revolution (3)
- Classical economies “laissez faire”
- Socialism
- Marxism (communism)
True or false: Competing philosophies developed as responses to the industrial capitalist system as it emerged
What was Thomas Newtons steam engine originally used for
Pump water out of the coal mine
Who improved and perfected the steam engine
James watt
What did the new steam engine open the door for
Steam powered locomotives and steamships/ operating machinery using steam power
Who was the leaders in smelting
The darby family
What did the darby family do
Smelting: Used coal to separate iron form its ore
less expensive and better quality iron was produced
Iron was used to produce parts for the steam engine
Who invented the flying shuttle and what did it do
John Kay, sped up weaving
Who invented the spinning jenny and what did it do
James hardgroves, incresed speed of spinning thread
Who invented the water frame, and what did it do
Richard Arkwrights, helped speed of spinning thread
Who invented the cotton gin and what did it to
Eli Whitney. seprated seeds from the raw cotton at a fast rate and allowed cotton production to increase exponenitially
What did stephens rocket do
Made growth of railroads possible
, didn’t follow a river course,
pulled carriages across iron rails,
goods and people could travel faster
Where was the first rail line
Liverpool to Manchester
What caused people to move to cities
better $ jobs
Why was there a demand for goods
increased population
Importance of the Blessierton process
steel was lighter, cheaper and more durable than iron & steel became the major material ised in tools, bridges, railroads and building materials
Who invented Bessemer process
Henery Bessemer
Whats the importance of eletricity
replaced steam as the dominant source of industrial power
Who invented the light bulb
Thomas edison
Assembly line
Workers add parts to a product that moves along a belt from one work station to the next, it made production faster and cheaper, lowering the price of goods
Name 4 early inventors with gas powered internal combustion engine patents
Nikolaus Otto- German
Karl Benz- German
Gottlieb Daimler- German
Henery ford- American
Importance of Gas powered internal combustion engine
transformed transportation
Who was the Engineer that invented the radio in 1901 and whats his nationality
Guglielmo Marconi- Italian
What was the importance of the radio
cornerstone of today’s communication network
who invented pasteurization
Louis Pasteur
What was the point of Pasteurization
devolved a process to kill a disease carying microbes in milk
What did early high schools teach
Latin greek history and math
Dismal science
economics became known as Dismal science became philosophers and economists created a somber/sad view of life at the time.
the middle class, business owners
the working class, the factory workers
Laissez faire-
an idea that allowed for businesses to operate with little to no government interference
Who wrote The wealth of the nations
Adam smith
What did adam smith believe in
it should be a free market, people regulate activity not goverment and its based on supply and demand
Free enterprise system, individuals or business should control the production distribution and consumption of products and services with no government interference
Free enterprise system, individuals or business should control the production distribution and consumption of products and services with no government interference
What was socialism a backlash against
Capitalist factory system and fragmentation of society
Name the key ideas of socialism
- Government ownership of industry and property
- Goal of economic equality
- aims for classless society
do you have private property in socalism
No, community things owned by state
Communism is also called
Who wrote about the plight of the working class (he was english)
Friedreich Engles
Who German writer and philosopher, created marxism which then became communism
Karl Marx
What did Fried Engels and Karl max create together
“communist Manfesto” in 1848
What was “communist Manifesto”
political theory advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs
What did “communist manfesto” believe about the factory system/ capatlism
The upcoming class struggle between bourgeoisie (middle class factory system) and the proletariat will cause great issues proletariat will win
Who won the proletariat vs bourgesise war and why
Proletariat because
1. theres was more of them
3. they had drive/propose
What would happen after proletariat won the war
They created the dictatorship of the proletariat
What was the dictatorship of the proletariat
-All property and means of production were “owned by the people”
-All goods and services well be “shared equally”
- a “classless society” emerges and the state “withers away”
Who was the government of Russia overthrown by
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks
how did Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik change the government
installed a communist government and changed name to the soviet union
What did Jethro Tull do (English)
- seed drill, horses for plowing