Final -absolutism & enlightenment Flashcards
Absloutism pros & cons
Pros- clear leader and stability cons- lack of citizen participation, choice, rights, and infrequent changes in leaders.
Absloute monarchs
associated with absolutism kings or queens who had absolute power in government within their borders, they wanted to control every aspect of society.
Absloutism, 4 areas of control
4 areas of control, 1 control the government 2.nobility 3. Economies 4. power
Divine right of kings
The idea that the kings are sent from god to rule, questioning their rule is like questioning God himself People must obey without questions God created the monarchy, goes with absolutism
Magna Carter was created to protect
the Barons (lowest member of British nobility) rights and property against a tyrannical king.
Magna carter
King John was said to be one of the worst kings in history, he put heavy taxes on the Barons so he could pay for expensive foreign wars, if they couldn’t or wouldn’t pay he punished them severely. Had an influence on many major modern docs but at the time it was only meant to be temporary to solve the issue between kings and nobles. This doc promised no excessive fines or high taxes, no seizing excessive assets and protected nobles and their land from illegal seizures of property, being exiled, and promised a fair trial. You could only have a fair trial if you were a free man and the majority of people were unfree peasants, so they didn’t get a fair trial
English civil war was a power struggle between who
king charles I and parliment
English civil war
After King James died his son Charles l got the throne as the leader of Scotland, Ireland, and england. People were upset at Charles l way of ruling, particularly the ship tax. In 1629 he began “personal rule” where he ruled without parliament and on his own. He had full power. Religious differences caused the king to send a group of the army to Scotlant to get the protestants to agree to his religion (first bishops war) he was forced to sign a peace treaty after losing badly. Then he called a meeting of parliament to find out how to finance another war (dismissed after 3 weeks). Because they were underfinanced, he lost in the second bishops war. So the scotts were able to occupy the north.More religious difference and arguments went on until the war was started.
Charles II
King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1660 to 1685. His political adaptability allowed him to navigate the religious difference in his country
Restoration was when Charles ll was restored to the monarchy after a 11 year commonwealth period lead by puritan general Oliver cromwell. With his reign there was a rise of colonization and trade in India, the east indies, and America. He also improved natural knowledge (nature)
Glorious Revolution
James ll is forced to flee and is replaced by his daughter Mary and her husband William who is dutch. A (constitutional) limited monarchy is created. Wanted to overthrow catholic King James ll who was replaced by his prodestant daughter mary. Permanently established Parliament as the ruling power of England
English bill of rights
British law passed by the parliament of Great Britain in 1889 that declared the rights and liberties of the people. Signed by william and mary and created a constitutional monarchy. It enhanced the rights of the people by guaranteeing free and frequent meetings of parliament, gave English people the right to complain about the King or Queen in parliament (free speech), forbidden excessive crimes or cruel punishment (last 3 goes to protecting civil rights) , and established Representative democracy. This doc can be found in the American declaration of independence and U.S bill of rights.
Known as the age of reason, intellectual and cultural movement in the 18th century that emphasized reason over suspicion and science over blind faith
Enlightenment revolutions
The enlightenment led the way for America, French, and English revolutions.
John Locke
Lock in natural rights, when someone is born they should be treated with a set of rights that shouldnt be interfered with (god-given) English enlightenment philosopher, wrote two treaties of government Natural rights, “tablu rusa” and blank slate, life liberty and the pursuit of property , legitimacy in government
J.J rousseau
Wrote social contract theory, general will of the people, democracy where the people are born with the rights that they should be respected
The 3 powers in government, adapted by the U.S, checks and balances so they can even out each other, Legislative to make laws, Judicial to judge laws, Executive to enforce the laws. “ spirit of the laws’’ French philosopher during enlightenment there would be no freedom if one man ran it all
constitutional monarchy is aka
limited monarchy
Charles I of England started the ______ by trying to arrest certain members of parliament unlawfully
English civil war
Louis XIV drove most french protestants out of france…. “One country, one king, one religion” french protestants were known as
Peter the great tried to modernize russia by borrowing ideas from other european countries… this idea was known as
Louis XIV tried to keep an eye on the nobility, as well as, show the power and glory of France by building the palace at
Peter the great and Russia went to war with ______ to gain a warm-water port
“The King is from God, and the law is from the King” - James I, King of England, this quote best reflects the concept of
divine right to rule
What statement would Louis XIV and peter the great most likely support
“The King is entitled to unquestioned obedience”
What thinker argued that the purpose of goverment is to safeguard the natural rights of the people
John Locke
According to Thomas Hobbes, the best form of government was
an absolute monarchy
What of Montesquieus ideas influenced the US constitution
Seperation of powers
In a vindiction of the rights of women, Mary Wollstonecraft argued that men and women should have equal
Enlightenment occurred in the
Who wrote that people have the right to overthrow a goverment the violates their rights
John Locke
Signed by King John, it protected the nobility from high taxes and illegal seizure of land
Magna carter
Russias “window to the west”
Puritan who created a military dictatorship in England after the English civil war
Oliver Cromwell
Wrote spirit of the laws
Lockes idea that we are all born with a blank slate
Tabula Rasa
Event in england, goverment changed hands without bloodshed, james II abdicated
English civil war
Restored the monarchy in England after oliver cromwell died, restoration king
Charles II
this doc created a limited monarchy and gave rights to the people
English bill of rights
act of executing a monarch
wrote levianthan, pro-absolutist
Thomas Hobbes
Enlightenment thinker;theory of general will; goverment and laws should be created based on the will of the people
Who believed that people have unalienable rights: life, liberty and property
John Locke
What was hobbes idea of the social contract
people are so bad that they need a strong monarch to guide them
What government type did Thomas Hobbes support
the monarchy
What figure westernized Russia
peter the great
who fought during the english civil war (and nicknames)
roundheads (parliment) was cavaliers (king)
did parliament gain or lose power as a result of the english bill of rights
parliament gains power
who built the palace of versailes as a symbol of their power
King Louis XVI
What is peter the great known for
westernized russia
Parliament invited Charles II to return from exile, beginning a new historical era called the…
What happened to Charles I
he was executed
What philosopher influenced the ideas in the declaration of independence
John Locke