End Of WWII Flashcards
First meeting of the big 3
Tehran conference
The big 3
Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill
Why did Germany have to fight a war on several fronts
Because of D-day the the battle of the bulge
Why did WWII contuine for so long
Nazi Germany would not surrender
Members of the sercuity council
United States, Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China
Who are the undesirable
Where were nazi war criminals tried
Name given to a state attention after World War II
Cold war
Hitler’s ultimate goal to murder all Jews
Final solution
Soviet Union controlled zone of Germany
East germany
Organization created in 1945 with an ultimate goal of keeping world Peace
United Nations
Zone of Germany controlled by France Great Britain and the United States, democratic
West germany
Most power Of this organization and had veto power
Security council
Stalins 2 goals after World War II
Convert Eastern Europe To communism
use the countries as a buffer zone of friendly governments as a defense against Germany AKA puppet governments
What was the Manhattan project
Overseen by Roosevelt and combined science government and military
What caused a major refugee crisis at the end of the war
people coming back from more soldiers and prisoners of war
Jews coming back but their homes were taken
Destruction of property from bombs and overall war
What were the main items discussed at the yalta conference
2nd meeting of the big 3
Discussed post war Europe specifically Germany
created the United Nations
agreed to hold child trials for nazi war criminal
Spheres of inflience for the soviets
What were the main items discussed in the potsdam confence
3rd meeting between the big 3
- what to do with Germany (and division of Germany)
- negotiated end of war terms
- what to do with atomic bomb useage
- U.N is offically created
- what to do with poland
Potsdam declaration
Said that Japan must surrender or they will get total Destruction
Who were the big 3
Roosevelt Stalin and Churchill
The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or ethnic group
Discrematory acts or laws towards jews
Hitler’s new order
Motivated by the need for living space
created and developed concentration camps
Overall idea if what hitler planed to do in hia terrority
What was the goal of work camps
Total Annihilation through work
Who did extermination camps kill 1st
Young elderly and sick
What was Hitler’s final solution
Hitler’s overall goal to murder all Jews with extermination camps or through work
Name 3 resistances to nazi rule
Warsaw ghetto uprising
Rebellion and Auschwitz
Denmark immigrated their Jewish population to Sweden
Did the Allied powers know what conditions were like in nazi Germany
They didn’t know about concentration camps or the extreme of the brutality
Nuremburg trials
Prosecuting prominent members of the nazi party for crimes against humanity
Some of the leading nazi officers committed suicide or escaped to other countries before the trial, and some are still being hunted down
Where were the judges for the Nuremberg trials from
Britain US Soviet Union and France
Not present (they werent there for the trial)
Establishing the United Nations
5 nations convened in San Francisco to draft a charter for the United Nations
Each member gets one vote in the General Assembly
the security council has more power over the general assembly
Also include other humanitarian goals such as contain diseases and prove education and protect refugees
Ultimate goal was to return peace
What could the security council in the United Nations do
They could veto the General Assembly
they could apply economic sanctions
They could deploy a piece keeping military force
Who wanted the German rocket scientists captured
The US wanted them track down and brought to the US
What were the 2 world powers in the beginning of the cold war
United States and the Soviet Union
Why were there feelings of distrust in Eastern Europe and what did it cause
Disagreements over government types
Reparations in Germany
Caused a divide (u.s vs soviet union)
What conference did the cold war begin
Why did Stalin want a buffer of friendly governments
To serve as a blocker Against Germany and to have puppet governments around him
What did Roosevelt want after the war
Self determination for countries and free elections
The Tehran conference
was the first meeting between the Big 3, the main point was that Stalin wanted Roosevelt to open a second front. and they agreed on when D-Day would occur