WW2 Flashcards
Who was Joseph Goebbels?
leader of propoganda
Who was Heimlich Himmler?
highest official tried at numemberg
What did the Treaty of Versailles try to insure?
collective security and peace
What two nations were not part of the league of nations?
US and Russia
What occured at the Washington Naval Conference?
a policy on the ratio of battleships per country
What did the Kellogg Braind Pact do?
prohibit war
How did the War start in the Pacific?
Japan invaded Manchuria
Did China join the League of Nations?
What two nations pulled out in response in the League of Nations?
Germany and Japan
What did the 1933 London Economic Conference do?
relieve the great depression
What was the purpose of the Stresa front?
use force to maintain peace in Europe.
Who allies with Germany in the Spanish Civil War?
What 4 things did Francisco Franco want?
facism, no socialism, no communism, power over the church
How did the Spanish Civil War become a dress rehersal?
Italy tested their ground troops, and Germany tested the Luftwaffe
What happens to the Rhineland in 1936?
Germany occupies it and remilitarizes it
Who was not invited to the Munich Conference and what happened?
Czechoslovakia and Russia, but Hitler promises no more territorial demands.
What did the Nonaggression Pact with Russia end up doing?
splitting Poland
How many weeks did France keep up the fight until they were defeated?
6 weeks
What is the formation of the Grand Alliance?
when Russia joins the allies
Hitler’s primary motivation for the invasion of the Soviet Union was?
to destroy Bolshevism and acquire lebensraum for German colonization.
A social historian would be most likely interested in researching which of the following topics related to World War II?:
women’s participation in the labor force during the war
The important decision made by leading German officials at the Wannsee Conference was?:
to begin implementation of the “Final Solution” to the Jewish Question.
The chief argument between Truman and Stalin at Potsdam in July, 1945, was over?:
free elections in eastern Europe.
Nazi occupation in Western Europe differed from that in the east in that?:
Nazi occupation was more extremely brutal in the east, because of Nazi racial ideology.
Winston Churchill’s vision for the postwar world?:
stressed the balance of power to check the Soviets, and resisted ending colonial empires.
Most Lend-Lease aid was sent to?:
the Soviet Union and Great Britain.
Operation Barbarossa refers to
The German invasion of Russia in 1941
In the Soviet Union, World War II was known as
The Great Patriotic War
Hitler’s primary motivation for the invasion of the Soviet Union was?
to destroy Bolshevism and acquire lebensraum for German colonization.
A social historian would be most likely interested in researching which of the following topics related to World War II?:
women’s participation in the labor force during the war
The important decision made by leading German officials at the Wannsee Conference was?:
to begin implementation of the “Final Solution” to the Jewish Question.
The chief argument between Truman and Stalin at Potsdam in July, 1945, was over?:
free elections in eastern Europe.
Nazi occupation in Western Europe differed from that in the east in that?:
Nazi occupation was more extremely brutal in the east, because of Nazi racial ideology.
Winston Churchill’s vision for the postwar world?:
stressed the balance of power to check the Soviets, and resisted ending colonial empires.
Most Lend-Lease aid was sent to?:
the Soviet Union and Great Britain.
Operation Barbarossa refers to
The German invasion of Russia in 1941
In the Soviet Union, World War II was known as
The Great Patriotic War
Germany and Italy were brought together in the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact, and Japan joined the Axis powers in the Anti-Comintern Pact through their participation in the
Spanish Civil War
The first good news for the Allied nations in the Pacific came after which of the following battles?
Coral Sea
The main reason the Germans wanted Stalingrad was
Because of the oil fields nearby
Who got to Berlin First?
Soviet Union
Which event was the first to highlight the inadequacy of the League of Nations?
Japan’s invasion of Manchuria
Which agreement immediately preceded the German invasion of Poland?
The Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact
The first meeting of the leaders of the “Big Three” was held in
At Yalta, Roosevelt
Wanted the Russians to join in the war against Japan