Unit II- B Reformation Flashcards
Did the Roman Catholics in response to the Protestant Reformation unforbid books.
Why did French noblemen join Calvinism?
it was a form of revolt against the Catholics
Martian Luther wanted to reform what
Catholic theology and practices
John Calvin’s followers believed
society required a complete moral transformation
Who created a theocracy in Zurich?
What dominican friar sold indulgences?
Johann Tetzel
How many theses did Luther write and where did he post it?
95 Wittenburg Castle door
Where did Luther say “here I stand. I cannot do otherwise”
Diet of Worms
Who tried to create a reformed Christianity and doctrine specifically (not Luther).
Who excommunicated Luther?
Pope Leo X
How did Luther believe one could get to heaven?
by faith alone
Who protected Luther?
Frederick the wise
Who was the holy Roman emperor during Luther’s time?
Charles V
What Peace did princes get to choose their religion?
peace of augsburg
What was the name of the chosen ones in Calvin’s religion?
the elect
Where did Calvin establish his religion?
in Geneva
Who founded the Scottish Presbyterians?
John Knox
What did Anabaptist reject?
infant baptism
Who was John Wyclif and what did his followers believe?
From England and his followers, Lolards stressed personal communion with God.
What was the edict of Worms?
Luther was outlawed as a heretic
What Pope reformed the Catholic Church and through what did he do it?
Pope Paul III through existing doctrines
What meeting established the new dogma?
Council of Trent
Who founded the Jesuits and what was their goal?
Ignatious Loyala created it to reform the Church through education and missionary work.
Who was John Hus, who was his followers, and what did he do?
John Huss was a Czech who questioned Christian beliefs with hussite followers.
What is Transubstantiation?
the Catholic belief that communion is transformed into the actually blood and body.
The Diet of Augsburg in 1530 concluded with an order for
Lutherans to convert to Catholicism
Which political factor had the greatest influence on the course of the Protestant Reformation?
Conflict between centralizing national rulers and self-governing towns hoping to retain traditional freedoms
The first group to publicly endorse and publicize Martin Luther’s 95 Theses were the
Did the Antitrinitarians support religious toleration?
Did Henry VIII enforced doctrines that were very close to Catholicism-without-the-pope?
Yes but his people were protestant
Were wet nurses healthier for babies?