Unit XIX Cold War Flashcards
What was the Truman Doctrine?
President Truman’s policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology
What was the Brezhnev Doctrine?
affirming the right of the Soviet Union to intervene in the affairs of Communist countries to strengthen Communism.
When the US annonced the Marshal Plan, the Soviets refused to what?
help Europe recover.
What president had power during the Cuban Missle Crisis?
John F. Kenndy
The Great Patriotic War was who against who?
Russia against Germany
The Berlin wall was erected to halt what?
the fleeing of easterners to west Germany
Where was the first meeting of the “big three”?
How many zones was Berlin and Germany split into?
Who controlled the zones of Germany?
France, Britain, US and Russia
Who were the Big Three at Potsdam? (people)
Atlee, Truman, and Stalin
Why is Russia mad at the US?
they never opened a front in France
What was the Lend-Lease Act?
a financial support for European Nations
What did Winston Churchill predict?
the iron curtain- the separation of communism and democracy
Why does Russia really want their share of Germany?
as a buffer zone and a weaker Germany
What did Russia do to penalyze Germany?
stripped it of its resources
When did Germany become independent?
What was the new government of Germany called?
Federal Republic of Germany
What was the name of East Germany?
the Democratic Republic of Germany
What was the type of east german government?
What is the US’s policy of foreign policy?
containment- resist soviet union’s spread of communism
What did the Truman policy help?
aid to Greece and Turkey to defeat communists
What is the Marshall plan?
economic aid to Europe to prevent communism from spreading
How did Russia try to remove the allies from the city of Berlin?
by cutting off supplies
Was the new currency used by the allies better than Russia’s?
How did the US solve the Berlin Crisis?
using the airlift
Who supported the NATO?
the allies
Who was against the NATO pact?
the soviet union through the warsaw pact
Did West Germany join the NATO?
How did Russia build their atomic bomb?
by spying
What was the objective in Korea for the UN?
to be reunited
Who led the UN forces in Korea?
What did Russia call WW2?
the Great Patriotic War
What was the KGB?
the secret police
What was the only eastern country that was not dominated by the Soviets?
Who is the first to take over after Stalin dies
What was the major problems after Stalin?
hatred, fear, and horrible agricultural problems
Did Khruschchev fix the agriculture?
What did Khrushchev do in the Secret Speech.
Criticise Stalin
Did Brenzhev reinstall stalin or deinstall?
What did Khrushchev want to prove?
that Communism is the better way to go
What did Boris Pasternak do?
win the nobel peace prize
What was Imre Nagy seeking for Hungary?
What was Khrushchev’s policy?
peaceful coexistance
Did anything get accomplished at Geneva?
Was the Berlin Wall beneficial to Germany economically?
Who did Russia support in Cuba?
What did Cuba allow to be placed in their territory?
Russian missiles
Who responded to the Cuban missle crisis?
John F. Kennedy
Was Khrushchev successful?
Did Brezhnev avoid or look for policy with the US?
What is similar to Dubcek and Khrushchev?
more artistic freedoms
Why did Russia invade Czechoslovakia?
to restore the government back to communism
What did the Revolution of 1989 end?
ended communist control of eastern Europe
What did the Revolution of 1989 end?
ended communist control of eastern Europe
What was Lily Brandt’s eastern policy?
ost poltitik- to seek a solution for the German ?
How did Lily Brandt seek the solution to help Germany?
ease and relax tensions through a detente
What limited all of the Weopons in Europe?
Strategic Arms Limiting Treaty
What rights were asked to be kept?
human rights
Who was the founder of the Solidarity movement in poland?
Was Pope John Paul for or against communism?
Who was the most friendly ruler of Russia to the west?
What did Gorbachev do to relieve tensions?
pull troops out of Afganistan
pledged respect of political choices of Eastern Europe
removed people working against reform
Did Gorbachev try to maintain communism?
What is a Detente?
a treaty to relieve tensions
How was Yugoslavia held together under Tito?
Cult of personality
Who was president of the U.S. when the Berlin Wall was built?
John F. Kennedy
After World War II, Great Britain’s influence in the Middle East was challenged by which groups?
The Zionist movement and Arab nationalists
The Korean War began in
What was the Prague Spring, and how did it end?
A period of political liberalization and experimentation in Czechoslovakia that ended with a Soviet invasion and regime change in the summer of 1968
Vietnamese nationalist and communist leader Ho Chi Minh was supported by
Neither the U.S.S.R. or China
How was Yugoslavia held together under Tito?
Cult of personality
Who was president of the U.S. when the Berlin Wall was built?
John F. Kennedy
Who called the Soviet Union an “Evil Empire”?
U.S. President Ronald Reagan
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed in response to?:
the events surrounding the Berlin Blockade
Euro-communism is?:
a program devised by Italian Communists to make their policies more compatible with the needs of Western Europe.
One of the most important causes of the Cold War between the USSR and the United States after World War II was?:
ideological conflicts.
Which BEST characterizes West Germany’s Ostpolitik?:
the establishment of better relations with Eastern Europe.
Between the death of Stalin and the rise of Gorbachev, the Soviet Union experienced what?:
experienced some liberalization along with increasing economic decline.
Margaret Thatcher’s popularity rose when she successfully prevented?:
Argentina from taking the Falklands.
What was the Revolution in Czechoslovakia?
Velvet Revolution
What happened to Czechoslovakia in its revolution?
it split in two
The European Economic Community or Common Market, grew out of the what?
the european coal and steel community
The Soviet Union after World War II reinstated what?
the totalitarian policies of the 1930’s