wrist and hand joint hypomob Flashcards
usual cause for hypomob of wrist and hand
acute jt trauma
compare RA and OA in terms of age of onset
RA - 15 to 50 yo
OA - after 40 yo
compare RA and OA in terms of progression
RA - sudden, weeks to months
OA - gradual; yrs
compare RA and OA in terms of manifestations
RA - inflammatory synovitis; damage to cartilage and bone
OA - cartilage degeneration, altered jt structure and osteophyte formations
compare RA and OA in terms of joint involvement
RA - bilat; PIP, MCP, wrist, elbow and shoulder
OA - unilateral; DIP, PIP, 1st CMC
compare RA and OA in terms of systemic signs
RA - present
OA - none
compare RA and OA in terms of ssx in acute stage
RA - ssx of inflammation, morning stiffness at least 1 hr, inc pain c activity
OA - morning stiffness < 30 mins, inc pain c WB, crepitus, LOM
compare RA and OA in terms of ssx in advanced stage
RA - jt capsule weakening, cartilage destruction, tendon rupture, muscle imbalance, subluxation and deformity
OA - capsular laxity, hypermob or instab, contractures, general weakness and poor endurance
goals during protection phase
control pain and protect joints
maintain joint and tendon mobility and muscle integrity
interventions to control pain and protect joints
pt educ - advice to rest, etiology, ssx
pain management - meds given by MD, modalities, gr 1-2 oscillations
splinting/orthosis - help to maintain grip and protect involved jts
activity mod - breakdown large tasks, AD or adaptations
interventions to maintain joint and tendon mobility and muscle integrity
ROM exercise - PROM, AAROM, AROM
multiple angle sets - pwede din isoms
tendon gliding - perform full motion in the uninvolved joints and as much motion as possible in the involved
intervention scenario during protection phase
restore as primary - dec pain to function
compensate as secondary - use other hand if unilateral
discuss goals during controlled motion and return to function phases
inc joint play and accessory motions
improve joint tracking and pain-free motion
improve mob, strength and function
give interventions to inc joint play and accessory motions
joint mob - grade 3-4
give interventions to improve joint tracking and pain-free motion
MWM for wrist and digits - lateral glide while during wrist ext
give interventions to improve mob, strength and function
neuromuscular control and strength
functional activities
conditioning exercises
joint protection
proper form and specificity training
intervention scenario for controlled motion and return to function phase
what are the joint protection principles
respect pain
maintain functional ROM, strength and endurance
balance activity level and rest
use stronger, larger muscles
avoid deforming postures
use appropriate AD