GH hypomob Flashcards
compare involvement of OA and RA
OA: uni - PIP, DIP, MCP 1, lumbar, cervical, knee, hips, MTP1
RA: bilat - PIP, MCP, elbow, wrist, cervical, shoulder, MTP, talonavicular
discuss acute phase for arthritis
pain c MG; may radiate to elbow and disturb sleep
tenderness in sulcus
LOM in ER and ABD
discuss subacute phase for arthritis
capsular tightness - ERAbIR
pain and end of limited range
limited joint play - accessory motion testing
discuss chronic phase for arthritis
progressive restriction of capsule - LOM in capsular pattern
dec jt play
loss of function of shoulder
local pain around deltoid
discuss traumatic arthritis
in response to fall or high force blow to shoulder
night pain and disturbance of sleep
pain on motion and rest
dec mob and ROM
postural compensations
dec arm swing
muscle weakness of GH muscles
overuse of traps, lev scap and post cervical muscles
discuss post-immob arthritis
stiff shoulder - d/t lack of movement or secondary to heart disease, stroke and DM
pain and LOM
discuss idiopathic frozen shoulder
female, 40-65 yo
dense adhesions and capsular thickening on folds of capsule
primary - inflammation of rot cuff. biceps ten or capsule
secondary - from OA, RA, trauma or immob
stage 1 - frozen shoulder
< 3 mo
gradual onset of pain that inc c movement
stage 2 freezing stage
3-9 mo
persistent and more intense pain even at rest
night pain
severe LOM d/t pain
stage 3 frozen stage
9-15 mo
pain only with movement and significant adhesions
stage 4 thawing stage
15-24 mo
minimal pain and no synovitis
evident capsular restrictions - ABD and ER
interventions in protection phase of ad caps
immob with sling - rest and dec pain pero wag too long
PROM - AROM in pain free range
PJM gr 1-2, codman’s
gentle muscle setting
pt educ about stages and mga acitvity mod
interventions in controlled motion phase of ad caps
PJM gr 3-4 for stretch
self mob
manual stretching and self stretching
gr 1-2 to dec muscle spasm
MWM or sustained caudal glide
stretching and strengthening
interventions in return to function phase of ad caps
strengthening and stretching
vigorous stretching and PJM if may capsular restrictions pa
Functional activities - heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying or reaching
discuss overuse syndromes for AC and SC jts
repeated stressful movement of arm at waist level - packing and construction work or diagonal add and IR
susceptible following trauma and c arthritis
discuss subluxation or disloc for AC and SC jts
FOOSH - distal end of clavicle displace sup and post
ligaments may rupture - overstretched since no muscle to stab = hypermob
discuss hypomoblity for AC and SC jts
dec clavicular mob and may occur c arthritis
can contribute to TOS since space narrows bet clavicle and 1st rib
impairments in AC and SC jts pathology
pain local to jt or ligament
painful arc at end range shoulder elevation
pain c horizontal add/abd
hypermob if tauma or overuse
hypomob if arthritis or immob
management for AC and SC pathology
minimize loading - arm sling
cross fiber massage to capsule or ligs or PJM - if hypomob
maintain ROM og GH and scap
inc strength of shoulder, trunk and legs
return to func