patellofemoral dysfunction Flashcards
discuss PF instab
disloc, sublux or maltracking
- abnormal Q-angle = inc valgus
- dysplastic trochlea - flat trochlea
- assoc fx
discuss PF pain c biomechanical dysfunction
prob c kinetic chain
- femoral anteversion = IR of femur
- external tibial tortion
- genu valgum
- hyperpronation
discuss PF pain s malalignment
- soft tissue lesion - prepatellar bursa, fat pad
- patellar pressure syndrome
- osteochondritis dissecans
- traumatic pattelar chondromalacia
- trauma
local factors that lead to PF sx
infrapatellar fat pad
lax or weak lig
quads tendon
med and lat retinaculum imbalance
subchondral bone
distal factors that lead to PF sx
ER foot
subtalar eversion
inc midfoot mob
proximal factors that lead to PF sx
inc hip abd and IR
weak hip abd and ER
ssx of PF dysfunction
- retropatellar
- patellar tendon
- subpatellar fat pad
crepitus, swelling, locking
altered LE biomech
- hip abd
- hip ext
dec flexibility
- hams
- quads
- gastroc soleus
- med or lat retinaculum
dec medial patellar glide and tipping
prot phase of PFD
pat mob and modalities
pain free ROM
muscle sets
tape and patellar brace
controlled motion to return to function phase of PFD
pat mob and modalities
NWB ex to CKC
- avoid loading at 60° flexion
pat taping
considerations for proximal extensor mechanism realignment
knee immob in ext until
- knee gain control and full ROM
ambu c AD
- 25% to WBAT
- after 4 wks: FWB c immobilizer
considerations for distal realignment
knee immob in ext until
- quads control
ambu c
- 4 wks na toe touch
- p 8 wks: FWB s immob
prot phase fot patellar instab
~ 4 wks
cold and compression
- only 90° knee flex ng 4 wks
quads setting
SLR c knee immob
mini squats - 50% WB
pat mob
gait training c AD and orthosis
criteria to progress to mod prot phase for pattelar instab
min pain and swelling
incision healing well
full active knee ext and 90° flexion
mod prot phase for patellar instab
4-8 wks
low intensity stretching and gr 3 PJM
- 6 wks: 0-120° flexion
- 8 wks: 0-135° flexion
CKC c pain free range
pat mob
gait training c AD and orthosis pero FWB na
proprio and balance ex
low impact CV ex
criteria to progress to min prot phase for pattelar instab
no swelling or ext lag
knee ROM: 0-135° flexion
75% MMT of knee and hip
min prot phase for patellar instab
progress mod prot
12 wks: land base jogging
16-20 wks: full activity s sx
activity mod if necessary