World War Looms - Chapter 24 Flashcards
To trace the rise of dictators, the beginnings of war, and the American response in the 1930s.
Communist dictator of the Soviet Union
Joseph Stalin
Government that has complete control over its citizens and puts down all opposition
Fascist dictator of Italy
Benito Mussolini
Political system based on a strong, centralized government headed by a dictator
Nazi dictator of Germany
Adolf Hitler
Fascist political philosophy of Germany under Nazi dictator Hitler
Fascist dictator of Spain
Francisco Franco
Laws passed by Congress to ban the sale of arms or loans to nations at war
Neutrality Acts
Prime minister of Great Britain before World War II
Neville Chamberlain
Prime minister of great Britain during World War II
Winston Churchill
Trying to pacify an aggressor in order to keep the peace
Agreement between Germany and Russia not to fight each other
Nonaggression pact
Lightning war strategy used by Germany against Poland
Head of the French government in exile in England
Charles de Gaulle
Systematic murder of 11 million Jews and other people in Europe by the Nazis
Name given the night of November 9, 1938, when Nazis in Germany attacked Jews, their businesses, and their synagogues
Deliberate and systematic killing of an entire people
A segregated neighborhood
Prison camps operated by the Nazis where Jews and other were starved while doing slave labor, or murdered
Concentration camp
Alliance formed by Germany, Italy, and Japan
Axis Powers
Law that allowed lending or leasing arms to any nation “whose defense was vital to the United States”
Lend-Lease Act
British and American statement of goals for fighting World War II
Atlantic Charter
Group of nations, including the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union, who opposed the Axis powers
Prime minister of Japan during World War II
Hideki Tojo