The New Frontier and the Great Society - Chapter 28 Flashcards
To understand the achievements and challenges of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.
35th president of the United States
John F. Kennedy
Policy of using nonnuclear weapons to fight a war
Flexible response
Ruler of Cuba
Fidel Castro
Barrier built to keep East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin
Berlin Wall
Direct phone line between the White House and the Kremlin
Hot line
Treaty that barred nuclear testing in the atmosphere
Limited Test Ban Treaty
The name given to Kennedy’’s domestic program
New Frontier
An overwhelming show of support by voters
A program that enlisted volunteers to help in poor countries
Peace Corps
A program that supplied aid to Latin America
Alliance for Progress
The body that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy
Warren Commission
36th president of the United States
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Act that created numerous antipoverty measures
Economic Opportunity Act
Name given to Johnson’s domestic agenda
Great Society
Health benefits for the elderly and poor
Medicare and Medicaid
Established new immigration system that allowed more immigration into the U.S.
Immigration Act of 1965
The Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren
Warren Court
The way in which states redraw their election districts