An Age of Limits - Chapter 32 Flashcards
To understand the political, social, and economic events of the 1970s and the Nixon Administration.
37th president
Richard M. Nixon
Plan to give federal power back to the states
New Federalism
Plan for the federal government to share money with state and local government
Revenue Sharing
Nixon’s welfare reform proposal to give direct relief to poor families
Family Assistance Plan
Nixon’s effort to attract Southern votes by opposing desegregation
Southern strategy
Situation that occurs when unemployment and inflation rise at the same time
Organization of nations that export oil
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
Nixon’s foreign policy that attempted “realistic politics”
Policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions
Treaty to limit nuclear weapons
SALT I Treaty
The constitutional process for removing a president from office
Scandal that forced Nixon to resign
Adviser to NIxon
H.R. Haldeman
Adviser to Nixon
John Ehrlichman
Attorney general and director of Nixon;s campaign
John Mitchell
Nixon’s campaign committee
Committee to Reelect the President
Judge in the trial of the Watergate burglars
Judge John Sirica
Nixon’s firing of Justice Department officials, including the special prosecutor investigating Watergate
Saturday Night Massacre
38th president
Gerald R. Ford
39th president
Jimmy Carter
Law that aimed to conserve energy
National Energy Act
Rights and freedoms that all people should enjoy
Human rights
Agreements between Israel and Egypt
Camp David Accords
Iranian religious leader who led the revolution against the Shah of Iran
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Environmentalist crusader in the U.S.
Rachel Carson
Annual day to celebrate the environment
Earth Day
Person who actively tries to protect the environment
Federal agency formed to decrease pollution
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Site of a nuclear plant that released radiation into the air
Three Mile Island