The New Deal - Chapter 23 Flashcards
To understand the impetus for FDR's New Deal legislations and the impact these policies on the American nation.
Spending more than the government receives in revenue
Deficit spending
Secretary of labor
Frances Perkins
Program to provide aid and jobs to young people
National Youth Administration
Commissioner on Indian Affairs
John Collier
Regional work project of lasting value
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Programs to help industry
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
Programs to help farmers
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
32nd President who created the New Deal
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
Popular movie
Gone With the Wind
New Deal jobs program
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s programs to end the Depression
New Deal
Law to regulate stock information
Federal Securities Act
Voters from different groups that supported the Democratic party because of the New Deal
New Deal coalition
African-American author who received financial help while writing Native Son
Richard Wright
Labor Union
Congress of industrial Organizations (CIO)
First lady, social reformer, political adviser
Eleanor Roosevelt
Program to employ young men in work projects
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Agency to regulate stock markets
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Actor, director, and filmmaker
Orson Welles
An equal or fair amount
Novel by John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath
Law to protect workers’ rights
Wagner Act
Program that provided aid to people with disabilities and pensions for retired workers
Social Security Act
Political leader from Louisiana who criticized the New Deal
Huey Long
Artist who painted rural midwestern subjects
Grant Wood
Insurance for savings
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Head of the Office of Minority Affairs in the NYA
Mary McLeod Bethune
Agency to regulate businesses
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
Law that created insurance fro bank deposits
Glass-Steagall Act