The Post War Boom - Chapter 27 Flashcards
To understand the economic, social, and cultural changes that occurred in postwar America.
Law that provided financial and educational benefits for World War II veterans
GI Bill of Rights
Residential town or community near a city
President after World War II
Harry S. Truman
Southern Democrat who left the party
President Truman’s economic and social program
Fair Deal
Major corporation that owns smaller companies in unrelated industries
Company that offers similar products or services in many locations
Soaring birthrate from 1946 to 1964
Baby boom
Developer of a vaccine to prevent polio
Dr. Jonas Salk
Excessive concern with buying material goods
Purposely making products to become outdated or wear out quickly
Planned obsolescence
Means of communication that reach large audiences
Mass media
Government agency that regulates the communications industry
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Writers who made fun of the conformity and materialism of mainstream American society
Beat Movement
Form of popular music, characterized by heavy rhythms and simple melodies, that developed from rhythm and blues in the 1950s
Rock ‘n’ Roll
A style of music characterized by improvisation
Plan to tear down decaying neighborhoods and build low-cost housing
Urban renewal
Farm workers entering the United States from Mexico
Federal government decision to end federal responsibility for Native American tribes
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