The Vietnam War Years - Chapter 30 Flashcards
To understand the military and political events of the Vietnam War in Southeast Asia and its impact on life in the United States.
Leader of North Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh
Communist group led by Ho Chi Minh
Eisenhower’s explanation for stopping communism
Domino theory
Major French outpost captured by the Vietminh
Dien Bien Phu
Peace agreement that split Vietnam in two
Geneva Accords
Leader of South Vietnam
Ngo Dinh Diem
Communist rebel group in South Vietnam
Network of paths running between North and South Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Resolution that allowed President Johnson to fight in Vietnam
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Secretary of defense under Johnson
Robert McNamara
Secretary of state under Johnson
Dean Rusk
Commander of U.S. troops in Vietnam
William Westmoreland
The South Vietnamese military forces
Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN)
Gasoline-based explosive
Chemical that destroyed jungle land
Agent Orange
Tactic in which U.S. troops destroyed Vietnamese villages
Search-and-destroy mission
Situation in which the U.S. public no linger believed the Johnson administration
Credibility gap
System for calling people to military service
Name given to the youth movement of the 1960s
New Left
Prominent group of the New Left
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
New Left group that attacked business and government
Free Speech Movement
American individual who called for America to withdraw from Vietnam
American individual who supported the war effort
Series of Vietcong attacks during the 1968 Tet holiday
Tet offensive
A Lyndon Johnson adviser who became his secretary of defense
Clark Clifford
A Democratic candidate for president in 1968
Robert Kennedy
A Democratic presidential candidate who ran on antiwar platform
Eugene McCarthy
The 1968 Democratic nominee for president
Hubert Humphrey
A third-party candidate in the 1968 presidential election
George Wallace
President of the United States, elected 1968
Richard Nixon
Nixon adviser who helped negotiate an end to the war
Henry Kissinger
President Nixon’s plan for ending America’s involvement in the war
Those mainstream Americans who supported Nixon’s policies
Silent majority
Site of massacre of Vietnamese civilians by American soldiers
My Lai
Site of protest where National guard Killed four students
Kent State University
Government documents that showed the government had no real plan for leaving Vietnam
Pentagon Papers
Act that forbids the president from mobilizing troops without Congressional approval
War Powers Act