The Conservative Tide - Chapter 33 Flashcards
To understand the political and social events of the 1980s and early 1990s.
Program that guarantees benefits to particular people
Entitlement Program
Alliance of conservative groups to support conservative ideas
New Right
Programs that required special consideration for racial and ethnic minorities and women
Affirmative action
Discrimination against whites to make up for past discrimination against others
Reverse discrimination
Alliance of business interests, religious people, and dissatisfied middle-class voters to support conservative candidates
Conservative coalition
Organization formed to fight for traditional values
Moral Majority
40th president
Ronald Reagan
Reagan’s economic policies
Economic theory that tax cuts will increase jobs and government revenues
Supply-side economics
Proposed system to defend the United Sates against missile attacks
strategic Defense Initiative
First woman Supreme Court Justice
Sandra Day O’Connor
The cutting back of federal regulation of industry
Agency established in 1970 to fight pollution and conserve natural resources
Environmental Protection Agency
Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 1984
Geraldine Ferraro
Reagan’s vice president elected president in 1988
George Bush
Fatal disease with no known cure, that became a U.S. and world-wide epidemic
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Situation in which women and men receive equal pay for equal work
Pay equity
Nation’s first African-American governor
L. Douglas Wilder
Civil rights leader and presidential candidate
Jesse Jackson
Appointed secretary of education by President Reagan
Lauro Cavasos
Named Surgeon General by President Bush
Dr, Antonia Coello Novello
Last leader of the Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev
Gorbachev’s policy of openness in discussing problems in the Soviet Union
Gorbachev’s policy of reforming the economy in the Soviet Union
Treaty to reduce nuclear weapons
INF Treaty
Place in Beijing where Chinese protesters demonstrated against the Communist government
Tiananmen Square
Communist rebel group that took power in Nicaragua
Rebel forces supported by Ronald Reagan to overthrow the Sandinistas
The 1991 U.S. attack on Iraq to force the Iraqis out of Kuwait
Operation Desert Storm