Politics of the Roaring Twenties - Chapter 20 Flashcards
To trace the political and social changes after World War I and throughout the decade of the 1920s.
Harding’s friends and advisors
Ohio gang
People who opposed any form of government
Secretary of state under Harding
Charles Evans Hughes
An economic system that supports government control over property to create equality
President of the U.S. (1923-1929) succeeded to presidency on death of Harding, elected in 1924
Calvin Coolidge
President of the United Mine Workers
John L. Lewis
Secretary of the interior under Harding
Albert B. Fall
Suspicion of foreign-born people
A system that established the maximum number of people who could enter the United States from each country
Quota System
Pulling away from world affairs
Scandal surrounding Albert Fall
Teapot Dome scandal
29th president of the United States
Warren G. Harding
An easy way to borrow money to buy goods
Installment plan
The outward expansion of cities
Urban sprawl
Immigrant anarchists accused of murder
Sacco and Vanzetti
High tax on imports adopted in 1922
Fordney-McCumber Tariff