World War II Flashcards
1939-45–Allies vs. Axis
England, Russia, US vs. Germany, Italy, Japan–most expensive
Beginning of war
September 1, 1939–Germany invades Poland, claiming they were sabotaging Germany
USSR too
Germany turns West
April 1940 takes Denmark and Norway–key bases for Britain later
May-June 1940, Germany passes the Maginot Line and defeats France with Italy’s help
Result of Western fighting
300,000 soldiers, most British, evacuate Dunkirk
New gov’t under Petain in Vichy working with Nazis
Charles de Gaulle wants to continue the fight
Battle of Britain
1940 RAF under Winston Churchill holds off Luftwaffe, so they use Blitz–air raids
Rulers during Battle of Britain
King George VI and Elizabeth–Buckingham Palace
Lend-Lease Program
1941 Roosevelt–US helps supply Britain and fight subs
Italian war and Hitler’s aid
Italy attacks Greece and British Egypt–wrecked 1940
General Rommel’s Afrika Korps fights Britain, also takes Balkan control
Operation Barbarossa–when, what, why, and battles
June 22, 1941– 4 million (largest force ever) invades Russiafor lebensraum and slave labor and resources
Strong push to Leningrad and Moscow, but is stopped in December–winter time
Holocaust stuff
Dachau, Auschwitz– led by SS/Himmler
German Warfare
Blitzkrieg, atrocities and starving civilians. Collaborating countries risk resistence
What’s going on in China in 1937?
Communists under Mao Zedong suffering to Chiang and nationalists–Long March
Japan invades China (Nanking)–Communists popular for fighting
Why did US join the war?
Dec. 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor–2,400 Americans killed–
US was upset at Japanese imperialism, especially in northern China–Rape of Nanking and embargoes Japan
Pacific Theater
1942 Japan wrecking until Coral Sea and Midway in Spring
island hopping until Spring 1945 Okinawa and Iwo Jima captured and Truman calls for bombs–September surrender
Tide turns in Africa
October 1942 El Alamein–British under Montgomery defeat Rommel
Sandwiched next year by allies and forced to surrender
Tide turns on the Eastern Front
Winter 42-43–Russians win Stalingrad and Hitler is on defensive
Fighting in Italy
Hitler conquers Italy when Mussolini fails in Africa and is dismissed by V-EIII–late 1943-June 44 Allies take it back
Tide turns on the Western Front
June 6, 1944–D-Day–largest seaborne invasion in history under Dwight D. Eisenhower
Paris liberated in August helped by de Gaulle
Germany squashed
Soviets push Germany back in 1944 and Germany launches one final offensive in Belgium’s Ardennes Forest–December 1944 Battle of the Bulge
End of European War
1945 Soviets take Vienna and close on Berlin–May 7 V-E Day
February 1945 Yalta Conference of Grand Alliance–dispute over Poland and Germany
50 million die–20 million Russian and half were civilian
Millions fled homes and industries/cities destroyed
Soviet-US tension