The French Revolution Flashcards
New government begins
June, 17, 1788 3rd Estate breaks from Estates General and forms National Assembly
What happened following the formation of the National Assembly?
Shut out of meeting hall June 20th
Tennis Court Oath–group remains until a new constitution is passed
joined by many clergy and nobles
Spark of Revolution
July 14th, 1789 Bastille Day
13th stole weapons from Paris town hall
Rioters stormed an armory/state prison–symbolic of Old Regime
Spark of Bastille Day
Provoked when Louis XVI fired financial minister Jacques Necker, who was sympathetic to 3rd Estate–last straw
Uprising after Bastille Day
Rumored that military would crush Assembly–Mobs
Great Fear–rush to burn feudal documents
August 1789 Documents
August Decrees–Nullified feudalism in France (Aug 4)
The Declaration of the rights of Man and of the Citizen–Aug 26–basic rights of people
1790 Church
all church land taken and redistributed
Civil Constitution of the Clergy–national church upsets clergy
Constitution of 1791
Constitutional monarchy w/ legislative assembly
Tripartite system
Nobility abolished
Voting banned from lower class
The Flight to Varennes
1791–Louis XVI tries to run to Austria, stopped at border village Varennes
and finally accepts Constitutional monarchy
What made the king very unpopular?
Wanted to lose war with Austria
The Second Revolution
Attack on the Tuileries and second time–1792 crowds invade palace and find king
September Massacres
1792 over 1000 prisoners murdered due to paranoia of counter-revolutionaries
The National Convention
n Sep 1792-Nov 1795
Jacobins overthrow Girondins and work with sans-culottes
Radical new legislature with universal voting
Executions of royalty
1793 Louis Bourbon (treason) and Marie Antoinette
Maximilian Robespierre
Prized law student/lawyer
“L’incorruptible”–steadfast in views
Led Mountain and CPS–Radical Jacobins
Jean-Paul Marat
Jacobin journalist from Switzerland–L’Ami du People
Attacked Girondins in National Assembly
“Martyr of the Revolution”– stabbed in bath by Girondin, leading to public outrage
The Committee on Public Safety
July 1793-94
Radical reform–enlist soldiers and fixed prices
Large military–monarchies scared
Counter counter-revolution
Tribunes–quick trials
Law of Suspects–arrested and beheaded
Religion banned, new calendar
The Reign of Terror
(Sep. to July 1794)
30-50k killed by guillotine
Entertainment–women encouraged to knit and watch
Even Jacobins who weren’t 100% with Robespierre