World Families Flashcards
1)making you believe that something is true or right ➡convincing evidence of his guilt ⛧wholly/utterly/totally etc convincing ➡Courtenay played the role in an utterly convincing way. --------- Convincing victory / win پیروزی قاطعانه و با اختلاف ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
1)[not before noun]feeling certain that something is true
➡Molly agreed, but she did not sound very convinced (that)
➡I was convinced that we were doing the right thing.convinced of
➡Researchers are convinced of a genetic cause for the disease.
⛧firmly/totally/fully etc convinced
➡Herschel was firmly convinced of the possibility of life on other planets.
⛧ convinced Muslim/Christian etcsomeone who believes very strongly in a particular religion
Persevere (v.) Perseverance (n.) Persevarant (adj.) Persevering (adj.) ⚌⚌⚌⚌⚌⚌⚌⚌
tryingto do something or continuingto do something in adeterminedway,despite havingproblems:
> > > Farming is forpeoplewho areambitious and perseverant.
> > > There was a perseverantknockingat thedoor.
C2continuedeffortand determination:
➡Through hardworkand perseverance, heworkedhis way up to thetop.
➡ It took perseverance to overcome his reading problems.
گام در راه دشوار گذاشتن
/ˌpɜːsˈvɪə$ˌpɜːrsˈvɪr/verb[I]to continue trying to do something in a very determined way in spite of difficulties – use this to show approval
➡It can be tricky at first, but persevere.
⛧persevere with
➡He persevered with his task until he had succeeded in collecting an armful of firewood.
➡ She was persevering enough toreachtheheightof herambition andbecomeCEO.
/kənˈvɪkt/verb[T]to prove or officially announce that someone is guilty of a crime after aTRIALin a law court
🔺OPPacquit ⛧convict somebody of something ➡She was convicted of shoplifting. ⛧convict somebody on something ➡He wasconvicted onfraudcharges. ➡a convicted murderer ⚌⚌⚌⚌⚌⚌⚌⚌⚌
con‧vict مجرم /ˈkɒnvɪkt$ˈkɑːn-/noun[C] someone who has been proved to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison ➡an escaped convict
1)to officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization
⛥resign from
➡She resigned from the government last week.resign as
➡He resigned as Governor of Punjab in August.
⛥resign your post/seat/position etc
➡Tom has since resigned his membership of the golf club.
2)resign yourself to (doing) something
متقاعد کردن خویش
to make yourself accept something that is bad but cannot be changed
➡Josh resigned himself to the long walk home.
➡ At sixteen, I resigned myself to the fact that I’d never be a dancer.
1)an organized public show, often performed outdoors, where people dress in decorated or unusual clothes
➡ a colourful pageant of Scotland’s past
2)(AmE)a public competition for young women in which their appearance, and sometimes other qualities, are compared and judged
🔺SYNbeauty contest
make a point of doing sth
C1 to always do something or to take particular care to do something:
➡ She makes a point of keeping all her shopping receipts.
➡ make a point of noting all new vocabulary down.
give way
C1 UK US yield to allow other vehicles to go past before you move onto a road:
➡ You have to give way to traffic coming from the right.
➡ You must give way to traffic from the left
If a condition …..s, it becomes less strong or extreme:
/səbˈsaɪd/ us /səbˈsaɪd/
آرام شدن یک وضعیت بد
➡The police are hoping that the violence will soon subside.
➡ As the pain in my foot subsided, I was able to walk the short distance to the car.
➡ When her pain didn’t subside, Matt drove her to the hospital.
➡ Friction between the groups subsided gradually.
uk /iˈmeɪ.si.eɪ.tɪd/ us /iˈmeɪ.si.eɪ.t̬ɪd/
very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger
➡ There were pictures of emaciated children on the cover of the magazine.
➡ Two days later, the fingerprints leads them to an apartment where they find an emaciated man strapped to a bed.
verb [ T often passive ]
uk /ræk/ us /ræk/
🔊 to cause physical or mental pain, or trouble, to someone or something:
➡ Even at the end, when cancer racked his body, he was calm and cheerful.
➡ The dog was already racked by/with the pains of old age.
➡ He was racked by/with doubts/guilt.
to exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc
= cause (problem or …)
pose W3 AC / pəʊz $ poʊz / verb
+ pose a threat/danger/risk
»> Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat.
+ pose something to/for somebody/something
»> The events pose a challenge to the church’s leadership.
»> Rising unemployment is “posing serious problems” for the administration.
+ pose a question
to ask a question, especially one that needs to be carefully thought about :
“In her book she poses the question ‘How much do we need to be happy?’. “
+ pose a threat/danger/risk
The chemical leak poses a threat to human health.
+ pose a problem
A flood of refugees could pose a serious problem for neighbouring countries.
+ pose difficulties
+ pose a challenge
+ pose a dilemma (= cause a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do ) In the future, the possibility of genetic testing on unborn children will pose a dilemma for parents.
to feel very proud, angry etc
swell / swel / verb ( past tense swelled , past participle swollen / ˈswəʊlən $ ˈswoʊ- / )
+ swell with pride/anger etc
> > > His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter collect her prize.
= extremely bored
+ bored stiff/to tears/to death/out of your mind
> > > He was easily bored.
After a while, I got bored and left.
+ bored with
Are you bored with your present job?
verb [ intransitive ] formal
2 to step out of a vehicle after a journey
+ alight from
»> She alighted from the train at 74th Street.
+ alight on/upon something
phrasal verb (formal)
to suddenly think of or notice something or someone :
»> His mind alighted on several possible answers.
/ rɪseptək ə l / noun [ countable ]
a container for putting things in :
»> a trash receptacle
if you are …., your employer no longer has a job for you
redundant / rɪˈdʌndənt / adjective
> > > Seventy factory workers were “made redundant” in the resulting cuts.
+ make a job/position etc redundant
As the economy weakens, more and more jobs will be made redundant.
when you are famous and a lot of people admire you for a special skill, achievement, or quality
renown / rɪˈnaʊn / noun [ uncountable ] formal
SYN acclaim
+ international/public etc renown
»> He has “won world renown” for his films.
»> He “achieved some renown” as a football player.
renowned / rɪˈnaʊnd / adjective
SYN famous
+ renowned for
»> an island renowned for its beauty
+ renowned as
»> He’s renowned as a brilliant speaker.
+ renowned author/actor/photographer etc
»> a world renowned expert in the field
get the hang of something
to learn how to do something, esp. when it is not simple or obvious:
> > > I’ll teach you how to use the design program – you’ll get the hang of it after a while.
دسستتون مياد …
step something ↔ up
to increase the amount of an activity or the speed of a process in order to improve a situation
> > > The health department is stepping up efforts to reduce teenage smoking.
stepped-up security at airports
Let’s step it up now
= innovative
AC / ˈɪnəvətɪv $ ˈɪnəˌveɪtɪv /
تمام خانواده /ei/ دارند
S1 W2
/ əˈfreɪd / adjective [ not before noun ]
1 frightened because you think that you may get hurt or that something bad may happen SYN scared :
»> There’s no need to be afraid.
+ afraid of (doing) something
»> kids who are afraid of the dark
»> He was afraid of being caught by the police.
+ afraid to do something
»> Zoe was “half afraid” (= a little afraid ) to go back in the house.
In everyday English, people often say scared rather than afraid :
»> I’m scared of heights.
a feeling of excitement
➡ There was electricity in the air between the two of them.
➡ could feel the electricity in the room.
emotional tension or excitement, esp between or among people
actions that are futile are useless because they have no chance of being successful
futile / ˈfjuːtaɪl $ -tl / adjective
SYN pointless OPP worthwhile
+ a futile attempt/effort
»> a futile attempt to save the paintings from the flames
»> My efforts to go back to sleep proved futile.
+ it is futile to do something
»> It was futile to continue the negotiations.
futile (= having no chance of succeeding, and therefore not worth doing )
»> Doctors knew that any effort to save his life would be futile.
futility / fjuːˈtɪləti, fjuːˈtɪlɪti / noun [ uncountable ] :
»> This sums up Owen’s thoughts on the futility of war.
+ make an effort (= try )
»> She made an effort to change the subject of the conversation.
+ put effort into (doing) something (= try hard to do something )
»> Let’s try again, only put more effort into it this time.
+ something takes effort ( also it takes effort to do something ) (= you have to try hard ) It takes a sustained effort to quit smoking.
+ something requires/involves effort formal (= it takes effort )
»> Trying to get my mother to change her mind requires considerable effort.
someone who believes that wars are wrong and who refuses to use violence
pacifist / ˈpæsəfəst, ˈpæsɪfəst / noun [ countable ]
»> Bergson was imprisoned as a pacifist during the World War I.
— pacifist adjective [ only before noun ] :
the pacifist movement
/ ˈpæsəfaɪ, ˈpæsɪfaɪ / verb
1 to make someone calm, quiet, and satisfied after they have been angry or upset :
»> ‘You’re right,’ Rita said, in order to pacify him.
2 to stop groups of people from fighting or protesting, often by using force :
»> Economic reforms are needed to pacify and modernize the country.
»> It was no use trying to pacify him; he was simply too upset.
»> On August 20, the army recaptured the city and pacified the surrounding area.
»> They had to use drugs to pacify him.
/ ədvɑnsmənt $ ədvæn- / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
(formal) progress or development in your job, level of knowledge etc :
➡ career advancement
➡ advancements in science
➡ His advancement to captain came unexpectedly.