New Words 8 Flashcards
working holiday
a trip, sometimes to another country, on which you work
➡ Do you fancy a month’s all-expenses-paid working holiday in America next summer?
➡ She came from Adelaide to London on a working holiday.
➡ a holiday during which you work, for example doing unpaid work to benefit the community in which you are staying.
کار شود
disapproval of someone or something because you think they are morally wrong
/ˌdɪsəˈpruːvl/noun[U]an attitude that shows you think that someone or their behaviour, ideas etc are bad or not suitableOPPapproval
⛥disapproval of
➡strong disapprovalof the country’s human rights record
⛥with/in disapproval
➡Baxter eyed our clothes with obvious disapproval.
➡Clarissa shook her head in disapproval.
/ˈɑːsn$ˈɑːr-/noun[U]the crime of deliberately making something burn, especially a building
➡ The school was destroyed in anarson attack.
/ˈɑːsnst$ˈɑːr-/noun[C]someone who commits the crime of arson
/tʆɑː$tʆɑːr/verb(past tense and past participlecharredpresent participlecharring)
1)[I,T]to burn something so that its outside becomes blackRoast the peppers until the skin begins to char and blister.
a relationship or connection between two or more ideas or facts
AC/ˌkɒrˈspɒndəns$ˌkɔːrˈspɑːn-, ˌkɑː-
⛥ correspondence between
➡ There was no correspondence between the historical facts and Johnson’s account of them.
AC/ˌkɒrˈspɒnd$ˌkɔːrˈspɑːnd, ˌkɑː-/verb[I]
1)if two things or ideas correspond, the parts or information in one relate to the parts or information in the other
صفت نیست
➡ The two halves of the document did not correspond.
⛥correspond with/to
➡ The numbers correspond to points on the map.
a situation in which something old or forgotten returns or becomes important again :
resurrection / ˌrezəˈrekʃ ə n / noun [ singular ]
»> a resurrection of old jealousies
»> the city’s economic resurrection
»> the city’s economic resurrection
resuscitate / rɪˈsʌsəteɪt, rɪˈsʌsɪteɪt / verb [ transitive ]
to make someone breathe again or become conscious after they have almost died → revive :
Doctors managed to resuscitate him.
— resuscitation / rɪˌsʌsəˈteɪʃ ə n, rɪˌsʌsɪˈteɪʃ ə n / noun [ uncountable ] :
+ mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (= when you breathe air into someone’s mouth to make them breathe )
unsung / ʌnsʌŋ◂ /
not praised or famous for something you have done, although you deserve to be :
»> one of the unsung heroes of French politics
»> Their song, or their dirge, remained unsung, or at any rate unheard.
»> This country is full of unsung heroes.
to describe someone or something as being very good
hail verb
1 [ transitive ]
خوانده شدن - توصيف/درنظر گرفته شدن
hail somebody/something as something
Lang’s first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece.
be hailed something
The new service has been “hailed a success” .
A young man is being “hailed a hero” tonight after rescuing two children.
to/of no avail
avail / əˈveɪl / noun
if something you do is to no avail or of no avail, you do not succeed in getting what you want :
بدون موفقيت و ثمر
»> We searched the whole area but all to no avail. Robbie had disappeared.
avail verb
avail yourself of something
to accept an offer or use an opportunity to do something :
»> How many schools avail themselves of this opportunity each year?
state the obvious
to say something that is already obvious so it is not necessary to say it :
گفتن ندارد - همه مي دانيم كه - كاملا معلوم است كه
واژه ي
از منظر كالكيشن مهم است.
»> It is stating the obvious, but regular measurement of blood pressure is essential in older people.
arid / ˈærəd, ˈærɪd /
arid land or an arid CLIMATE is very dry because it has very little rain :
»> Water from the Great Lakes is pumped to “arid regions . “
»> an arid mountain region
My mouth feels dry. | The clothes should be dry. | The ground was “bone dry” (= completely dry ) .
+ parched = completely dry –
used about land, or about someone’s lips, throat, skin etc :
»> The earth was so parched that there were huge cracks in it.
»> parched lips
to prevent something unpleasant from happening
avert / əˈvɜːt $ -ɜːrt / verb [ transitive ]
»> The tragedy could have been averted if the crew had followed safety procedures.
»> It may already be too late to avert another disaster.
2 avert your eyes/gaze etc
to look away from something so that you do not see it :
»> Henry averted his eyes as she undressed.
I defy somebody to do something
(formal )
used when you ask someone to do something that you think is impossible
»> I defy anyone to prove otherwise.
»> I defy you to find that book in library’s collection.
defy / dɪˈfaɪ / verb
past tense and past participle defied , present participle defying , third person singular defies
to refuse to obey a law or rule, or refuse to do what someone in authority tells you to do
»> people who openly defy the law
»> Billy defied his mother, and smoked openly in the house.
»> Scopes was forbidden to teach Darwin’s theory of evolution, but he defied the law.
»> This celebration of Thanksgiving defies tradition.
+ defy description/analysis/belief etc
to be almost impossible to describe or understand :
»> The beauty of the scene defies description.
disobey - violate
to pretend to have a particular feeling or to be ill, asleep etc
➡Feigning a headache, I went upstairs to my room.
treating all people in a fair and equal way
⛥ OPPinequitable
➡an equitable distribution of food supplies
⚌ even, fair
➡The work should be shared more equitably.
an imagination, mind etc that is able to produce a lot of interesting and unusual ideas
a fertile imagination/mind/brain
سهم افزوده - سهم تولیدی
the amount of profits, crops etc that something produces
➡The average milk yield per cow has doubled.
⛥high/low yield
➡Shareholders are expecting a higher yield this year.yield of
➡a yield of over six percent
result[T]to produce a result, answer, or piece of information
➡Our research has only recently begun toyieldimportantresults.
2)crops/profits[T]to produce crops, profits etc
➡Each of these oilfields could yield billions of barrels of oil.
➡The tourist industry yielded an estimated $2.25 billion for the state last year.
➡These investments shouldyielda reasonablereturn.
➡high-yielding crops
RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say that somethingproducesa result, a profit etc rather thanyieldsit:Each cowproducesalmost 20 litres of milk a day.
بررسی شود
/ɪˈtɪmdeɪtɪŋ/adjectivemaking you feel worried and not confident
➡ Some people find interview situations very intimidating.
to behave in a dishonest or unfair way in order to get what you want
play games (with somebody)
> > > Are you sure he’s really interested, and not just “playing silly games” with you?
1)[C,U]a feeling that you like or love someone or something and that you would be unhappy without them
⛥attachment to/for
➡a child’s attachment to its mother
➡ anxiois attachment style
2)[C]a part that you can put onto a machine to make it do a particular job
➡The vacuum cleaner has various attachments.
3)[U]belief in and loyalty towards a particular idea, organization etc
⛥attachment to/for
➡ old people’s attachment to traditional customs
1)an action or event that is a signal for something else to happencue for
➡Our success was the cue for other companies to press ahead with new investment.somebody’s cue to do something
➡ I think that’s my cue to explain why I’m here.
2)a word
be sporting something
to be wearing something or have something on your body and show it to people in a proud way
➡ Eric was sporting a new camelhair coat.
➡ He was sporting an earring.
دو تا r دارد 😊
/wɪm/ ➖ /hwɪm/
asuddenfeelingthat you must have or must do something.Thiswordoftensuggeststhat what someonewantsis notimportant
⛥ on a whim:
➡ On a whim, shedecidedto goawayfor theweekend.
⛥ at someone’s whim:
➡ Prisonerswereexecutedat thecaptain’s whim.
⛥ on a whim
➡ I didn’t leave just on a whim(=for no good reason).
⛥at the whim of somebody
➡At work they are at the whim of the boss.
⛥somebody’s every whim
➡Their father had always indulged her every whim.
⛥ at whim
➡He appeared and disappeared at whim.
/ hæmpə $ -ər / verb [ transitive ]
to make it difficult for someone to do something :
»> She tried to run, but was hampered by her heavy suitcase.
»> An attempt to rescue the men has been hampered by bad weather.
»> Health care costs are severely hampering the nation’s small businesses.
»> Search efforts were hampered by strong winds and fifteen foot waves.
a …….. article, book etc is important, and influences the way things develop in the future
seminal / ˈsemən ə l, ˈsemɪn ə l /
( formal )
»> a seminal study of eighteenth-century France
»> Chuck Berry is one of the seminal figures of rock ‘n’ roll.
go back on your promise
(= break it )
»> They were angry that the company had gone back on its promise.
+ make a promise
+ keep a promise ( also fulfil a promise British English , fulfill a promise American English formal ) (= do what you promised to do )
+ break a promise (= not do what you promised to do )
+ renege on a promise formal (= break it )
/ rɪniɡ, rɪneɪɡ $ rɪnɪɡ, rɪniɡ / verb [ intransitive ]
renege on an agreement/deal/promise etc to not do something you have promised or agreed to do
SYN go back on :
»> They reneged on a pledge to release the hostages.
AC / ædvəkəsi / noun [ uncountable ]
public support for a course of action or way of doing things
»> To avoid advocacy in an English class.
»> But she also attracted the ire of advocacy groups.‧»_space;> Forbes also had the advantage of a simple message: advocacy of a flat tax.
»> His advocacy of Catholic emancipation courted defeat in 1807.
/ kəntɪndʒənt / adjective formal
depending on something that may happen in the future
SYN dependent
+ contingent on/upon
> > > Further investment is contingent upon the company’s profit performance.
The exchange was contingent upon planning permission for building being given on the vacated site.
The physical realm is the realm of contingent, temporal, concrete and fuzzy particulars.
/ flɔd $ flɒd / adjective
spoiled by having mistakes, weaknesses, or by being damaged
»> a flawed concept
+ fatally/fundamentally/deeply etc flawed
»> The research behind this report is seriously flawed.
»> flawed logic
»> a flawed but entertaining movie
to put many different ideas, subjects, stories etc together and connect them smoothly
weave / wiːv / verb
( past tense wove / wəʊv $ woʊv / , past participle woven / ˈwəʊv ə n $ ˈwoʊ- / )
> > > She weaves a complicated plot of romance and intrigue.
+ weave something together
the complex patterns which evolve when individuals’ lives are woven together
The composer wove together X with Y.
weave your magic/weave a spell
to attract or interest someone very much