From different sources 4 Flashcards
practical knowledge and ability
savvy / sævi / noun [ uncountable ]
SYN know-how :
He’s obviously got a lot of political savvy.
know-how noun [ uncountable ] informal
knowledge, practical ability, or skill to do something :
»> those who have the know-how to exploit the technology to the fullest
»> the know-how needed by today’s practising lawyer
»> No other company had the technical know-how to deal with the disaster.
good at judging what people or situations are really like
shrewd / ʃruːd / adjective
با بصيرت
»> Malcolm is a shrewd businessman.
»> She was shrewd enough to guess who was responsible.
»> Capra looked at her with shrewd eyes.
/ ɔθentɪkeɪt $ ɒ- / verb [ transitive ]
to prove that something is true or real
»> The painting has been authenticated by experts.
»> passwords which can authenticate electronic documents
»> Her company authenticates paintings and other works of art.
»> The Loch Ness Monster’s existence has not been authenticated.
— authentication / ɔθentəkeɪʃ ə n, ɔθentɪkeɪʃ ə n $ ɒ- / noun [ uncountable ]
»> Many cloud companies now offer an added layer of security called ‘two-factor authentication’,
where users have to enter a code sent to their mobile phone as well as a password to get into their
melting pot
A place where a number of different people and cultures mix in harmony.
»> America has traditionally been known as a great melting pot because of the diverse backgrounds and cultures of its citizens.
»> A melting pot of cultures, this region has always been inhabited by different ethnic groups.
»> Barcelona was a melting pot of musical influences.
inflated / ɪnfleɪtəd, ɪnfleɪtɪd / adjective
1 inflated prices, amounts etc are high and unreasonable
»> grossly/vastly/hugely inflated
»> company directors on grossly inflated salaries
2 inflated ideas, opinions etc about someone or something make them seem better, more important etc than they really are :
»> He has a very inflated opinion of himself.
3 filled with air or gas
»> that’s the sport played in the fall and early winter with a ball shaped like an inflated pig’s bladder .
to arrange laws, principles, facts etc in a system
codify / kəʊdəfaɪ, kəʊdɪfaɪ $ kɑ- / verb
> > > The agreement must still be codified by federal legislation.
So, eight years later in 1871, they met again to codify the rules.
— codification / kəʊdəfəkeɪʃ ə n, kəʊdɪfəkeɪʃ ə n $ kɑ- / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
(informal )
footy / fʊti / noun [ uncountable ] British English
> > > footy fans
make/turn something into an art form
to do something so often that you become very good at it :
|»_space;> a company that’s in danger of turning mismanagement into an art form
the business of making and selling expensive and fashionable clothes for women
haute couture / ˌəʊt kuːˈtjʊə $ ˌoʊt kuːˈtʊr / noun [ uncountable ]
صنعت لباس آرايي
»> Bazaar, which keeps track of spending trends in haute couture and dry goods, notes that luxury is back.
couture / kutjʊə $ -tʊr / ( also haute-couture ) noun [ uncountable ]
لباس آرايي
the design and production of expensive and fashionable clothes, or the clothes themselves :
a couture collection
»> The expensive “haute couture” of the Paris “fashion houses”.
the expensive clothing business of fashion house
obeying, supporting, or copying someone completely – used to show disapproval
slavish / ˈsleɪvɪʃ / adjective
»> a slavish adherence to the rules
+ slavishly adverb :
»> not a rule to be slavishly followed in every instance
+ slavishness noun [ uncountable ]
»> He was able to manipulate their slavish willingness to serve in the name of patriotism.
»> The women’s slavish obedience disgusted me.
having or expressing a great love of your country
patriotic / ˌpætriˈɒtɪk◂, ˌpeɪ- $ ˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk◂ / adjective
> > > patriotic songs
I’m not very patriotic.
…. clothes, movements, pictures etc are intended to make someone sexually excited
provocative / prəˈvɒkətɪv $ -ˈvɑː- / adjective
> > > provocative images of young girls
She was wearing a short skirt and high heel shoes and she looked at him in a provocative way.
… behaviour, remarks etc are intended to make people angry or upset, or to cause a lot of discussion
provocative / prəˈvɒkətɪv $ -ˈvɑː- / adjective
+ provocative comment/remark/statement
»> The minister’s provocative remarks were widely reported in the press.
»> a provocative act by a terrorist group
»> She was accused of being deliberately provocative .
an order, rule, or principle that you have to obey
dictate / dɪkteɪt / noun [ countable ]
+ dictate of
teenagers “following the dictates of” fashion
to supply goods, services, information etc to people
➡ DJ Dominic purveys a unique brand of music.
very powerful or impressive, and often frightening
/ˈfɔːmdəbl, fəˈmɪd-$ˈfɔːr-/adjective
➡ The building is grey, formidable, not at all picturesque.
➡ The new range of computers have formidable processing power.
a feeling of doubt because you do not agree completely with a plan, idea, or suggestion
⛧ have/express reservations (about something)
➡ I hadserious reservationsabout his appointment as captain.
➡ We condemn their actionswithout reservation(=completely).
when someone is chosen for a position or job
⛧ appointment of
➡ Other changes included the appointment of a new Foreign Minister.
⛧ appointment as
➡ They congratulated him on his appointment as chairman.
➡ I hadserious reservationsabout his appointment as captain.
(formal)to give someone something of great value or importance
⛧bestow something on/upon somebody
➡honours bestowed on him by the Queen
to be even better or greater than someone or something else
➡ He hadsurpassedall ourexpectations.
➡ The number of multiple births has surpassed 100,000 for the first time.
⛧ surpass yourself(=do something better than you have ever done before)
➡ With this painting he has surpassed himself.
a programme on the radio or on television
➡ a news broadcast
➡ CNN’slive broadcastof the trial(=sent out at the same time as the events are happening)
everyday, mundane, quotidian, routine, workaday
not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree
➡ Drone flight is relatively unremarkable today, but this particular drone wasn’t controlled by anyone.
➡ It was an unremarkable scene and, still, an important one.
When you present an honor or gift to someone, you …. it, which is the same as giving it, but often classier and more respectful.
➡ She gave her teacher a ceramic apple she had made, knowing that her whole class would bestow the big honor of Teacher of the Year later that day," or, ➡ "The king praised her for working with the poor, and he would later bestow the medal of honor on her in a ceremony."
…. means encompassing the whole of a thing, and not just the part.
⛧ holistic medicine/treatment/healing etc
➡ Holistic medicine looks at the whole person for answers, not just at physical symptoms.
➡ You might have heard of holistic medicine, which tries to treat someone as mind and body, instead of treating only the part of the patient that is most sick. People often talk about holism in relation to healing, whether of bodies or other things.
➡ A holistic approach to solving a labor dispute would take into consideration the needs of both the workers and the factory owners.
a feeling that someone or something is not important and deserves no respect
/ kənˈtempt / noun [ uncountable ]
+ to feel contempt for sth/sb
+ contempt for
»> The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.
+ utter/deep contempt
»> The report shows utter contempt for women’s judgement.
+ open/undisguised contempt
»> She looked at him with undisguised contempt.
»> The public is “treated with contempt” by broadcasters.
»> How could she have loved a man who so clearly held her in contempt ?
+ beneath contempt
»> That sort of behaviour is simply beneath contempt (= does not deserve respect or attention ).
muzzle / mʌz ə l / noun [ countable ]
1 the nose and mouth of an animal, especially a dog or horse
2 a cover that you put over a dog’s mouth to stop it from biting people
hind / haɪnd / adjective [ only before noun ]
relating to the back part of an animal with four legs
+ hind legs/feet/quarters/limbs
»> On a cue from its master, the bear obediently stood up on its hind legs.
an action that breaks a law, rule, or agreement
breach / briːtʃ / noun
+ breach of
»> This was a clear breach of the 1994 Trade Agreement.
»> They sued the company for “breach of contract” .
»> a breach of professional duty
+ be in breach of something
»> He was clearly in breach of the law.
breach verb [ transitive ]
1 to break a law, rule, or agreement SYN break :
»> The company accused him of breaching his contract.
to say how good or bad a book, play, painting, or set of ideas is
critique verb [ transitive ] formal
= evaluate :
> > > He offered to critique our plans.
Afterwards, the rest of the group will critique your presentation.
a detailed explanation of the problems of something such as a set of political ideas
critique / krɪtik / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
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= evaluation
+ critique of
»> a major new critique of his work
»> a critique of modern economic theory
»> Marx’s critique of capitalism in the 19th century
an uninhabited place does not have anyone living there
uninhabited/ ˌʌnɪnˈhæbətəd◂, ˌʌnɪnˈhæbɪtəd◂ / adjective
SYN deserted :
»> an uninhabited island
»> Access to this remote uninhabited Himalayan mountain is via high snow-covered passes.
busy and noisy activity
➡ thehustle and bustleof the market place