New Words 2 Flashcards
sillyand notdeservingto be seriouslyconsidered
➡ Privately theythoughttheidea laughable.
➡ Themoviewas sofarfromaccurate that it was laughable.
plants that are …. grow many leaves and look healthy and strong
lush / lʌʃ / adjective
> > > a lush green mountainous island
The fields were lush with grass and flowers.
lush national parks
2 very beautiful, comfortable, and expensive SYN luxurious :
lush carpets
the study of systems of living things
to protect something and prevent it from changing or being damaged
conserve / kənˈsɜːv $ -ɜːrv / verb [ transitive ]
SYN preserve
> > > We must conserve our woodlands for future generations.
efforts to conserve fish stocks
to conserve the environment
the protection of natural things such as animals, plants, forests etc, to prevent them from being spoiled or destroyed
conservation / ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃ ə n $ ˌkɑːnsər- / noun SYN preservation >>> wildlife conservation >>> a local conservation group \+ conservation of >>> conservation of the countryside ---------------- \+ nature conservation \+ wildlife conservation \+ environmental conservation \+ marine conservation (= relating to the sea and the life in it ) + a conservation programme/project \+ a conservation group (= a group of people who support or work for conservation )
not liking changes or new ideas
conservative / kənˈsɜːvətɪv $ -ɜːr- / adjective
»> a very conservative attitude to education
»> conservative views
2 not very modern in style, taste etc SYN traditional :
»> a dark conservative suit
an animal or plant produced from parents of different breeds or types
hybrid / ˈhaɪbrəd, ˈhaɪbrɪd / noun [ countable ]
\+ hybrid of >>> a hybrid of wheat and rye ------- >>> hybrid architecture \+ hybrid of >>> a unique hybrid of blues, country, pop, and gospel music
crossbreed / ˈkrɒsbriːd $ ˈkrɒːs- / verb ( past tense and past participle crossbred / -bred / ) [ intransitive and transitive ]
if one breed of plant or animal crossbreeds with another, or if you crossbreed them, they breed, producing a new type of plant or animal
— crossbred / -bred / adjective
crossbreed noun [ countable ]
an animal or plant that is a mixture of breeds → hybrid
a journey in a car
drive (noun)
+ drive to/along etc
»> Let’s “go for a drive” along the coast.
»> Taylor “took me for a drive” through the town.
+ an hour’s/a two hour etc drive
»> It’s a two hour drive from Calais to Thiepval.
an effort to achieve something, especially an effort by an organization for a particular purpose
drive (noun)
= effort [ countable ]:
> > > a “recruitment drive for” new members
an “economy drive” (= effort to reduce spending )
+ drive to do something
a nationwide drive to crack down on crime
to make a person or animal work hard
+ drive yourself
|»_space;> Don’t drive yourself too hard.
if a set of facts does not ……., it does not provide a reasonable explanation for a situation
add up
> > > He was troubled by a feeling that things just didn’t add up.
She says she is working a lot of overtime, but she never has any money. It doesn’t add up.
a fairly large number of things or people
+ quite a few/a good few/not a few
> > > She must have cooked a good few dinners over the years.
> > > ## There were hundreds of protesters, not a few of whom were women.There are only a very few (= not many ) exceptions.
to consist of particular parts, groups etc
comprise / kəmˈpraɪz / verb [ not in progressive ] formal
> > > The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.
+ be comprised of somebody/something
The committee is comprised of well-known mountaineers.
2 [ transitive ] to form part of a larger group of people or things SYN constitute , make up :
»> Women comprise a high proportion of part-time workers.
shamrock / ˈʃæmrɒk $ -rɑːk / noun [ countable ]
a small plant with three green leaves on each stem, that is the national symbol of Ireland
> > > They wear the leaves of the shamrock in his honour.
This is the second leaf of the shamrock.
existing or arranged before something else or before the present situation
SYN previous
prior / ˈpraɪə $ praɪr / adjective
»> You do not need any prior knowledge of the subject.
»> Changes may not be made without the prior approval of the council.
»> Vegetarian meals are provided by prior agreement.
2 a warning or announcement made before something happens
3 (formal) before
2 prior warning/notice
»> The society must give customers prior notice before changing the cost.
»> The bomb exploded without any prior warning .
3 prior to something
»> All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.
an official decision made in a court of law, especially about whether someone is guilty of a crime or how a death happened
verdict / ˈvɜːdɪkt $ ˈvɜːr- /
»> The verdict was ‘not guilty’.
someone’s opinion about something :
»> The audience’s final verdict was encouraging.
+ verdict on
»> What’s your verdict on the movie?
+ give (somebody) your verdict (on something)
»> Trade unionists were quick to give their verdict on the proposals.
……. land is thickly covered with fresh green plants
verdant / ˈvɜːd ə nt $ ˈvɜːr- / adjective (literary)
SYN lush :
»> verdant fields
having an important, especially bad, effect on future events
fateful / ˈfeɪtf ə l / adjective
سرنوشت ساز
+ fateful day/night/year etc
»> The goalkeeper on that fateful day in 1954 was Fred Martin.
»> When his rent was raised, he made the fateful decision to move north.
if a flag, sail etc ….s, or if someone unfurls it, it unrolls and opens.
unfurl / ʌnˈfɜːl $ -ɜːrl / verb
> > > A single protester attempted to unfurl a banner in the square on June 3, but was quickly arrested by police.
more powerful, important, or noticeable than other people or things
dominant / ˈdɒmənənt, ˈdɒmɪnənt $ ˈdɑː- / adjective
> > > The “dominant male” gorilla is the largest in the group.
Japan “became dominant” in the mass market during the 1980s.
its “dominant position” within the group
2 controlling or trying to control other people or things – used to show disapproval
SYN domineering :
a dominant personality
a group of people, political parties, or organizations that have united for political purposes or trade
confederation / kənˌfedəˈreɪʃ ə n / noun [ countable ]
SYN alliance
اتحاد - هم پيماني
»> a confederation of Native American tribes.
»> the country’s main labour confederation.
to develop and use minerals, forests, oil etc for business or industry
exploit / ɪkˈsplɔɪt / verb
بهره برداري كردن
»> the urgent need to exploit the resources of the Irish Sea
to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return –(used to show disapproval)
> > > Homeworkers can easily be exploited by employers.
to exploit sb
the time when an important change starts, especially one that improves the situation
turning point noun [ countable ]
+ turning point in
»> Meeting her was the turning point in my life.
»> Different estimates of the actual population turning point exist.
estimate / ˈestəmət, ˈestɪmət / noun
فعل هم هست ولي اينجا اسم مي باشد.
We just need an estimate of the number of people who will come.
/ rɪˈɡɜːdʒəteɪt, rɪˈɡɜːdʒɪteɪt $ -ɜːr- / verb [ transitive ] (formal )
to bring food that you have already swallowed, back into your mouth
> > > Some birds and animals regurgitate food to feed their young.
relating to people from a high social class who have a lot of
/ˈʌpskeɪl/adjective(AmE) money
🔺 SYNupmarket
➡an affluent upscale audience
/ˈvɪntɪdʒ/adjective[only before noun]
1)vintage wine is good quality wine made in a particular year
2)old, but high quality
➡vintage cars
3)showing all the best or most typical qualities of something
➡a vintage performance from Bruce Springsteen
an amicable agreement, relationship etc is one in which people feel friendly towards each other and do not want to quarrel
➡Their relationship hasn’t always been amicable.
⛥amicable settlement/agreement⛥
➡The two parties have reached an amicable settlement.
➡In the end, the matter was resolved amicably.
…… agreement, approval, support etc is given without anything actually being said
🔺 SYNunspoken
➡atacit agreementbetween the three big companies
a ….. decision, vote, agreement etc is one in which all the people involved agree
➡It was decided by a unanimous vote that the school should close.
⛥almost/virtually unanimous
➡ The decision to appoint Matt was almost unanimous.
⛥ unanimous in (doing) something
➡ The banks were unanimous in welcoming the news.
(formal)a state or situation of complete agreement among a group of people
⛥a …. contract/promise/agreement etc
⚌ a promise, agreement etc that must be obeyed
سفت و سخت و جدی
An agreement between two countries or groups
a bilateral agreement(formal)
⚌involving two groups or nations
⛥bilateral relations/trade/agreements/negotiations etc
➡ bilateral negotiations between Israel and Syria