New Words 5 Flashcards
physical or mental energy and determination
⛥ with vigour
➡He began working withrenewed vigour.
a surprising fact about someone or something that was previously secret and is now made known
AC / ˌrevəˈleɪʃ ə n / noun
+ revelation about/concerning
»> He resigned after revelations about his affair.
»> “startling revelations” about his background
+ revelation that
»> revelations that two senior officers had lied in court
> > > revelation of
the revelation of previously unknown facts
very unusual or surprising
startling / stɑtlɪŋ $ stɑrt- / adjective
> > > Paddy’s words had a startling effect on the children.
a startling discovery
+ it is startling to do something
It is startling to read that his father never visited him in hospital.
startle / stɑtl $ stɑrtl / verb [ transitive ]
to make someone suddenly surprised or slightly shocked :
»> Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.
+ be startled to do something
»> I was startled to see Amanda.
— startled adjective :
a startled expression
to grow and develop very quickly :
mushroom verb [ intransitive ]
»> New housing developments mushroomed on the edge of town.
»> But indications are that growth is mushrooming.
»> So the risk from viruses certainly hasn’t diminished - on the contrary, it has mushroomed.
blazing / bleɪzɪŋ / adjective [ only before noun ]
1 extremely hot :
»> a blazing August afternoon
2 full of strong emotions, especially anger :
»> He jumped to his feet in a blazing fury.
+ blazing row (= very angry argument )
tedious / ˈtiːdiəs / adjective
something that is tedious continues for a long time and is not interesting
SYN boring
> > > ## The work was tiring and tedious.— tediously adverb :
a tediously long film
/ ˈdɪlədʒ ə nt, ˈdɪlɪdʒ ə nt / adjective
someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough :
a diligent student
— diligently adverb :
They worked diligently all morning.
— diligence noun [ uncountable ]
»> The book required ten years of diligent research.
frivolous / ˈfrɪvələs / adjective
1 not serious or sensible, especially in a way that is not suitable for a particular occasion :
»> The court discourages frivolous law suits.
> > > It could hardly be said that Mrs. Bush had led a frivolous or unproductive life.
Work time is too valuable to waste on frivolous games.
predisposition / pridɪspəzɪʃ ə n / noun [ countable ]
a tendency to behave in a particular way or suffer from a particular illness
+ predisposition to/towards
»> a predisposition towards alcoholism
»> Some kind of genetic predisposition also is likely.
»> Stress signals can manifest themselves in different ways according to the individual’s predisposition and personality.
/ ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv, ɪnˈkwɪzɪtɪv / adjective
1 asking too many questions and trying to find out too many details about something or someone :
»> I’d have asked more questions, but I didn’t want to seem inquisitive.
2 interested in a lot of different things and wanting to find out more about them :
a cheerful, inquisitive little boy
an inquisitive mind
— inquisitively adverb :
He peeped inquisitively into the drawer.
— inquisitiveness noun [ uncountable ]
inquisitor / ɪnˈkwɪzətə, ɪnˈkwɪzɪtə $ -ər / noun [ countable ]
someone who is asking you a lot of difficult questions and making you feel very uncomfortable
/ əˈprəʊtʃəb ə l $ əˈproʊtʃ- / adjective
friendly and easy to talk to OPP unapproachable
> > > The head teacher is very approachable.
relaxed and approachable.
coming of age noun [ singular ]
the point in a young person’s life, usually the age of 18 or 21, at which their society considers them to be an adult
/preˈstɪdʒəs$-ˈstɪː-, -ˈsti-/adjective
admired as one of the best and most important
➡a prestigious literary award
➡ ahighly prestigiousuniversity
College can be expensive, but having a college degree could mean the difference between being stuck in a dead end job all your life, or making your way up the ladder of life to expand your career and make more money in the long run.
to honour or respect someone or something because they are old, holy, or connected with the past
➡a symbol of Arab courage, to be venerated for generations
⛥venerate somebody as something
➡These children are venerated as holy beings.
if a company recalls one of its products, it asks people who have bought it to return it because there may be something wrong with it
➡ The cars had to be recalled due to an engine fault.
➡ This food product is being recalled because it contains high levels of cyanide
➡ The Food Standards Agency has issued a food alert on the products made by Health Leads UK Ltd.
1) probleman acute problem is very seriousThe housing shortage is more acute than first thought.
2) feelingan acute feeling is very strongacute painacute embarrassmentacute anxiety
3) illness(technical)an acute illness or disease quickly becomes very seriousOPPchronicacute arthritis
so far
at this particular time:
تا اينجاي كار
»> So far, only two Democrats have entered the race for governor
»> Are u with me so far?
تا اينجا با من بوديد؟ تا اينجا متوجه شديد؟
It’s been quiet so far.
So far, they have met with no success.
Which one have you enjoyed most so far?
If you say that something only “goes so far or can only go so far, you mean that its extent, effect, or influence is limited.
Their loyalty only went so far.
The church can only go so far in secular matters.
to use or sell all of something that is available.
to not have enough hours, etc. available to finish something you are trying to do:
run out of time
> > > She ran out of time and didn’t finish the last question.
> > > We have to be sure we don’t run out of gasoline before we make it to the next town.
The shop ran out of bottled water and canned food after the government issued their warning about the storm.
turn sb on
— phrasal verb with turn uk /tɜːn/ us /tɝːn/ verb
to make someone feel interested or excited, especially sexually:
➡ Short men really turn me on.
➡ “In my spare time I make models out of matchsticks.” “Oh well, “whatever turns you on”, I suppose (= that would not interest me).”
/fɔːθˈwɪð, -ˈwɪθ$fɔːrθ-/adverb(formal)
➡ He was fined £40, with 28 days’ imprisonment if the money was not produced forthwith.
S3/ˈfɔːtnaɪt$ˈfɔːrt-/nounC usually singular
two weeks
➡ a fortnight’s holiday
➡ in a fortnight’s time
➡ a fortnight ago
/əˈlɪmpɪk/adjective[only before noun]relating to the Olympic Gamesan Olympic gold medal
/əˈlɪmpi-æd/nounCa particular occasion of the modern Olympic Gamesthe 25th Olympiad
…. to a pattern/model/ideal etc
to be similar to what people expect or think is usual
➡ Joseph does not conform to the stereotype of a policeman.
…. detection
➡By flying low, the plane avoided detection by enemy radar.
not feeling or saying you are sorry for something you have done, especially when other people would expect you to feel or say sorry
⛥ unapologetic about
➡He is entirely unapologetic about the violence in his movies.
money that is paid to someone not to tell other people about something embarrassing
ˈhush ˌmoney
➡ acloseconfidant
C1ableto betrusted
⛥ a tower of strength
someone you candependon toworkhardor tohelpin adifficultsituation
⛥ a man/woman of /his/her word
a man orwomanwhodoeswhat he or shepromisesto do
/ tʃəʊz ə n $ tʃoʊ- /
a small number of people who are treated as special and better than other people :
»> information made available only to the chosen few
( also customise British English ) / kʌstəmaɪz / verb [ transitive ]
to change something to make it more suitable for you, or to make it look special or different from things of a similar type :
»> a customized car
»> customized software
»> a customized pick-up truck
»> General Motors will customize Cadillacs for special clients.
expanse / ɪkˈspæns / noun [ countable ]
a very large area of water, sky, land etc
+ expanse of
»> an expanse of blue sky
+ vast/wide/large etc expanse
»> the vast expanse of the ocean