Why Was There So Little Effective Oppositon To The Nazis? Flashcards
How did nazi propaganda stop resistance?
Point: people felt like part of something
Evidence: mass rallies like Nuremberg 1934 250,000 people made them feel like a part of something
Analysis: they were loyal to nazis and each other because started to believe n Germans strength again so wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise it
How did machinery of terror stop resistance?
Point: too scared due to cultural fear
Evidence: 15,000 gestapo and public informants meant too hard to organise proper resistance
Analysis: opposition had to therefore be subtle to avoid arrest and therefore don’t have much of an impact.
How did divisions in groups stop opposition?
Point: communists and social democrats could’ve combined to be effective
Evidence: they hated each other so didn’t co operation mens they were adult hunted down by gestapo
Analysis: divisions made parties weak because lack of leadership and organisation so nothing got done effectively.